Food intoler trtmnt I have been trying, with some success

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Linda in BC
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Food intoler trtmnt I have been trying, with some success

Post by Linda in BC »

Hello all . Long time , no talk to. Life is slowly starting to settle down for me now, after a summer of trying to totally minimize stress in my life, just staying home and looking after the vegetable garden and the animals. My sister passed away on May 25th, three weeks before I was done work for the year, and her death, even though it was expected, and that last three weeks of work, were really tough on me. Once I was done, I just hermitted, including not even being able to come on here and post or even read posts!!! I started back to work again yesterday, but am feeling ready for it, I think. Still trying to cut myself some slack as far as what I take on.

MC- wise I have been doing quite well. I have been feeling I should post about a new treatment I have tried for food intolerances, that seems to work. Has anyone ever hear of N.A.E.T (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) for getting rid of food allergies? I went to see a naturopath her that does this protocol, upon several people's recommendation, in particular one woman who told me the treatment took away her son's allergy to milk. The Dr. does muscle testing for allergies, using a machine, and along with many of the intolerances I had already figured out, ( wheat, oats, eggs, casein, corn, peanuts, shrimp, peas, etc) (which by the way, she was right on in identifying) she told me of a bunch more that I had not identified yet ( like most kinds of alcohol, all sugars, including sugar substitutes, all grains, caffeine, CHOCOLATE!!, tea, citrus fruit, pineapple, coconut, lettuce(!!), calcium , vitamin B, and I am starting to be sensitized to rice! Same result as if I would have had the blood tests done for food intolerances, only this was available to me here, and easily. Since I cut down or quit eating most of these things that tI was still eating, I am way, way better. I basically only react when I have something I shouldn't, and have normans otherwise! . But the really good news is that she can now treat these intolerances, using this NAET protocol which, in a nutshell, works on acupressure points while you are being subjected to the allergin. (There is lots of info on the internet about it if you want to know more.) It is successful with about 80 % of people, apparently.
The first visit she treated me to eliminate my egg intolerance and it worked!! I can now eat eggs!!! The second she did dairy/calcium and it didn't work though is somewhat less severe. I will get that treatment again. Each treatment costs about $50.00. One has to totally abstain from the allergin being treated for 26 hrs after the treatment (and I mean totally abstain, including brushing your teeth and cooking with distilled water when being treated for calcium.) It is very difficult but well worth it, if it works!!
I am just so thrilled that I can eat eggs now. It's made my life a lot easier. I just had them for breakfast this morning!
Anyhow, I am supposed to be working so better get back to it. I am so glad I have finally been able to tell you all about this wonderful new development in my journey toward health.
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Post by tex »


That's very interesting, to say the least, especially the success that you've been having with it. It sounds as though it might be related to Bio Impedance, (BIA), testing. Have you seen the thread at the following link?

Doesn't that seem like a match, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks for posting that information.


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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Tex, great minds think alike

Linda the methodology your naturopath is using is very similar to the BIA treatments I have.

with the BIA, after it has done a treatment it will report a score of how successful the treatment was.
above 75 is really good (the sensitivity should be gone)
above 50 is ok (sensitivity is reduced) and
below 50 is basically no change

for dairy we have been averaging 50 - 70 (which is why i think with my recent icecream test there was no MC reactions or symptoms)
for soy we cant get above 45.

each session there are limits on how many treatment cycles she can do. As inflammation and immune are always in my top 10 issues we treat that (we average about 50-55 for those treatments)
we persisted with the soy treatments at least 3 times and had no luck getting above 50

as we have discussed many times, none of these treatments will cure MC or totally solve all the symptoms, I believe they do help to support the body to cope with what MC does to us. and if we can minimise reactions to ingredients then the body is under less stress

similar to you Linda i have had a physically and emotionally draining 3 - 4 months, any treatment that can support our bodies is helping.

take care
Gabes Ryan

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Post by Linda in BC »

Thanks for the link, Tex as I have basically not been able to read any posts since last Feb or so!!
Interesting. Do you know how Gabes is doing with that treatment now? I hope well! ooopps!Edit:Just read your post Gabes! Different tools but certainly sounds like it's working on the same principlels. Sorry to hear you've had a tough time of it lately, G. :sad: !!!

It sounds like the assessment part of NAET is a lot simpler than what Gabes had done; NAET assessment just measures muscle ( ie the body's) weakness or strength in the presence of a potential allergin. There may be more similarity in the treatment part as they are both manipulating accupressure points to strengthen the flow of "chi" or life energy throughout the body, and correct imbalances or blockages ( which ultimately manifest as illness)

I am just so pleased to figure out those missing pieces of my food intolerance puzzle, that were keeping me reacting. I had wanted to get MRT done but it seemed so difficult from here in Canada. It would be such a neat thing to be able to compare MRT results to these though, wouldn't it?

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Post by Kari »

Hi Linda,

So good to hear from you, and glad you seem to be doing OK MC-wise. Sorry about your sister - I know you were expecting it and spent a lot of time with her, but that does not make it less painful.

I have also been working on something very similar to you. I have an acupuncturist who works with allergies, both food/chemicals and airborne. Her analysis is also done through testing muscle reaction to various substances, and then we spend the session "desensitizing" to various things that we choose to work on. The way it's done is also similar to your method. I basically hold a jar with the substance while undergoing an acupuncture treatment with needles.

I believe it has been very beneficial and has allowed me to eat eggs, for instance. I'm also drinking a little coffee again. Have not seen her since early June, before traveling, and I have been away for most of the summer. It is so nice to know that she is nearby, and now that I'm back home can go for a treatment any time I feel a need.

I know you're starting up work again and will probably be busy, but it would be nice to follow your progress with these new treatments, so I hope you will post from time to time.

Love and hugs,
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Joe is the only one that has done both MRT and BIA.

my impression is that MRT gives a very comprehensive list of reaction to foods in the three categorys (low, medium and high sensitivity)

BIA gives information on Foods (it is set to test the main reactive ingredients but you can input any ingredient) as well as information regarding the body not only organs that are having issues, but things like parasites, bacteria, virus, yeast infection etc
and rates the issues so you get a top 10 issues list and we then do a treatment on the top 3 - 5

my acupuncture treatments were very similar to the BIA, but i have found the BIA can pinpoint some of the issues better, acupuncture indicates infection, BIA can pinpoint is it bacteria, virus or yeast
Gabes Ryan

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Post by Linda in BC »

Kari, yes, yes.. that is the same thing!!! That's interesting that your acupuncturist doesn't give it the name of NAT. My Naturopath doesn't either. She just says that a Dr. Nambudripad discovered this treatment method for allergies by accident one day. She calls it a protocol.

So glad to hear that you, too, have had some success with it. Like Gabes, I know it will not solve everything but the more tools we have in our kit, the better off we will be, I am sure!!! I am thinking of MC as a symptom of the fact that my body has developed a problem with all these foods. If I eat them, it causes inflammation in my colon. If I don't eat them, or if I am treated so that I can eat them with out adverse effects, then the MC will be controlled or disappear, No?

By the way, I read somewhere that the treatments sometimes wear off after a couple of years and you have to desensitize to that ingredient again. Interesting , Huh?

Thanks for your kinds words, Kari. Yes, back to work.. today I have had a real problem staying on task though ( I work from home) after a summer of wandering the house and yard doing a million little things, today I would go out into the kitchen to get something and a half an hour later I would finally make it back to my desk after moving the sprinkler, feeding the cat, picking leeks to make leek soup, emptying the dishwasher, taking jars down to the basement, etc.. etc. ! :roll:
Love and hugs back to you,
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Post by sarkin »

Linda in BC wrote:I am thinking of MC as a symptom of the fact that my body has developed a problem with all these foods.

I think this statement is really interesting - it's been on my mind (and I've just begun rumbling about it on the forum that MC isn't actually a disease at all, but a symptom. No doubt, it's a condition that has to do with real pathology in the colon, visible on biopsy under a microscope. BUT - treating the MC is treating the symptom, not the cause.

That's why it so often doesn't work, or doesn't work *enough* for many.

I keep feeling as though I'm about to have the next thought in this chain, but my mind hasn't quite gotten there yet...

And now I'll let you get back to work :grin:
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Post by Linda in BC »

Interesting comparison, and then the NAET is slightly different again, but all of them are working along the same lines and it seems to be a promising treatment path. A whole lot better than just pumping us full of drugs!@!!

My Dr. chose the order of the first four items she would treat ( eggs first she said, as eggs are a complete protein and if you are successful with them, then a lot of your amino acids in other things are already desensitized), then calcium/dairy, then B vitamins, sugar and the last is my choice. I think it's gonna be caffeine!!! I sure miss my chocolate and coffee!

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Post by Linda in BC »

Sarah, I keep thinking I'll just answer this post .. and then another comes in before I am done that one. But yours just begged to be answered, if only in short.
That is very cool that you are thinking the same thing. And for me the next thought is that perhaps the reason not all treatments work for all people is that the etiology of everyone's MC "symptoms" is just a little different. And therefore, successful treatment would vary as well. To be continued...

Now if I can just close my email program before that little bell goes off again!!!
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Post by sarkin »


LOL, I turned off the 'bell' in my email - I can get plenty distracted just by the workings of my own brain!
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Post by Linda in BC »

You can do that?? Turn off the bell, that is? I used to just keep my speakers turned off but then we changed them and now these ones are just on all the time. Thanks I'll look for that setting...
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Post by tex »

Linda in BC wrote wrote:I am thinking of MC as a symptom of the fact that my body has developed a problem with all these foods.


I think this statement is really interesting - it's been on my mind (and I've just begun rumbling about it on the forum that MC isn't actually a disease at all, but a symptom. No doubt, it's a condition that has to do with real pathology in the colon, visible on biopsy under a microscope. BUT - treating the MC is treating the symptom, not the cause.
That line of thought has come up at various times in the past, on this board. Here's one of them:


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by sarkin »

Thanks, Tex - I'll follow that thread before starting another! Hopefully, it will help me sort out that nagging feeling that there's something I'm about to think (since someone else has already thought it).

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Post by nancyl »

Linda, Gabes, and Kari,
I was facinated with your posts about N.A.E.T. I checked my area and there is an acupuncturist associated with a good hospital not far from here. She practices this method, so I called her to set up an appointment. The first food item she tried working on was eggs. She said I am highly sensitive. I will be going back on Monday to see if it worked or not. She doesn't use a machine only the muscle testing holding the item and needles. I am hoping it works. I would just love to be able to add some eggs to my diet.

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