Did You Suffer From Colic, When You Were A Baby?

Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

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Did you suffer from colic, when you were a baby?

I don't know, my mother never mentioned it
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Did You Suffer From Colic, When You Were A Baby?

Post by tex »

Hi All,

According to research, there seems to be a link between colic, and GI issues, later in life. I can remember my mother mentioning that I had colic, as an infant. I wonder how many of us had to deal with colic, in infancy. Let's see if we can draw any conclusions from this poll.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Gas Bag »

No on the colic.

I had a cast-iron stomach and digestive system my whole life, until this reared it's ugly head 3 years ago.

Although green peppers and pork sausage always made be BURP like crazy.

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Post by starfire »

I chose the 2nd option because even though my Mom is still alive her memory isn't all that great some of the time. Her answer was "I imagine you did at some time or other". I took that to mean either I didn't or she doesn't remember at all. I can't imagine someone having a baby with colic and not remembering it. Mine didn't but I've heard it described or read about it and I'm quite sure it wouldn't be that easy to forget. :grin:

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Post by mbeezie »

I don't know if I did or not and my parents are both deceased. My son sure had it - screaming for 9 months . . . the reason he is an only child. This evolved into chronic constipation. We now know he is gluten and dairy intolerant.

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Post by Gloria »

I answered that I don't know.

My first daughter was had colic, but my second daughter did not. DD1 doesn't have any intestinal problems, but DD2 has IBS. FWIW.

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Post by Delta »

No colic. I've been told I was a perfect baby, and I know my mother wouldn't lie to me :grin:
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Post by Polly »

Yep, miserable colic, my Mom told me. And I was born during an extremely hot summer which made it all worse, apparently. I must have been a mess!

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Post by barbaranoela »

It just dawned on me that DOUG was very colicky----day and night~~~~
I had called the dr. up and asked if there was something to quiet him --*no he replied but I can give U something to settle U down!!! years back I gather testing wasnt the in thing

Hows that for a reply---

And then when I started Doug on regular MILK he became worse---turned out he was allergic to MILK--so I had to introduce the milk slowly by 9 ounces of formula and add 1 ounce of milk--and down the line---

Wow all this is coming back to me---and CORN---his face would swell!!!! so we stopped that--

Yet to this day he is just fine--other than his wife has allergies to the pots and pans~~

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Post by tex »

Barbara wrote:Yet to this day he is just fine--other than his wife has allergies to the pots and pans~~


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by adelie »

Yep, and my mom said she learned the meaning of the phrase "projectile vomiting" with me as an infant. There was only one modified soy-based formula that didn't come back up in grand fashion until I was 3 years old. Then we forced introduction of other foods. Over time, I got better at suppressing the spontaneous reflux of lunch, but I wouldn't say my system ever really got to the point of being able to properly deal with most foods. It took longer to suppress the reflux of dinner - sometimes it would come up in my sleep. Mom didn't inform me of this until recently, but it clarifies a lot from my childhood. My younger sister could skip school on test day with a little "my tummy hurts". When my "tummy hurt", Mom gave me a barf bag for my backpack and I went to school anyway. Makes sense now.

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Post by JLH »

My DD#1 also had some projectile vomiting episodes.........
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and don't play one on TV.

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Post by Memory »

My mother said I cried as a baby with colic until I was 8 mos old ( altho I have never heard of a baby having colic for that long ) :shock:

Guess I am just weird...lol
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Post by karenswans »

I answered yes even though my mother never called it colic. She just said I wouldn't eat more than 2 ounces without screaming.
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Post by sarkin »

I had colic, but I think my mother described it as a brief, though heartbreaking phase. She seemed to feel more "poor baby" than "overwhelmed mom" about it - so either I was a quiet screamer, or it didn't go on terribly long...

(And then I had a long run of tummy luck, till MC caught up with me at 41yo.)
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Post by draperygoddess »

Not only was I colicky, my mother also said she smelled like spit-up for a year after I was born (I know, yuck, right?). My oldest daughter wasn't colicky, but half of what she ate came back up, even though I nursed her for the first 5 months--had to burp her constantly and then keep her REALLY still for an hour after she ate. Daughter #2 was incredibly fussy for the first several months--not colic, but just screaming 24/7. She didn't have the typical tight tummy you see with colicky infants, but her stomach was very gurgly and everything she ate went right through her (still does). My son didn't have any tummy troubles as a baby, but at 5 he had a bout of D that lasted for months, and now (he's 10) he still can't eat dried fruit or artificial sweeteners. He tends toward C even though he eats lots of fruits and veggies, occasionally has terrible stomach pain, and intermittent steatorrhea. He is one of my main motivators for finding out what's wrong with ME!

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