Citrus reaction?

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Citrus reaction?

Post by Jean »

Hi All,

Unfortunately, I think I'm looking for a new intolerance. #@*&%!!!

How do any of you who can't handle citrus react? I'm back to some D and aches and pains and haven't been able to blame it on any of my know intolerances. I've been yucky for about 2 weeks, except when I don't eat. Saturday I had a banana and a some peanuts (safe). I was at a bird conference and forgot to bring food. I felt good though until after dinner on Sunday.

Love, Jean
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Post by tex »

Hi Jean,

It has only recently dawned on me that I'm intolerant of citrus, (since I hadn't eaten any in a long time), so I'm basing these observations on an extremely small statistical base--namely, only two reactions.

The reactions that I had, were similar to my reactions to sugar--a persistant burning pain for two or three days, that seemed to be in my stomach, accompamied by a mild to moderate headache, and minor upper body pains, (no overall flu-like aches and pains). Followed by minor diarrhea for a couple of days.

I recall noticing that citrus flavored drinks seemed to cause me to get sick, (or sicker), about the time that my MC really got going, so I cut out all citrus, early on. The citrus flavored cleanout solutions, used to prep for GI tests, also made me very sick, but that didn't surprise me, since all the others made me sick, also.

The two recent reactions that I mentioned, were a couple of months ago, when I tried your suggestion about lemonaide. I hadn't had any lemomaide in a long time, so it sounded good. The first time, I thought that I might be confusing it with a reaction caused by something else. The second trial convinced me that it was indeed the citrus.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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