Morning sickness

Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

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Rockhopper Penguin
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Post by Liz »

Karen, Polly, Wayne

The op that I had last year was a bowel resection. They called it a resection rectopexy. I had prolapse which was causing many problems, prpbably as a result of the many years of D. They removed about 18 inches of bowel and hitched it all up with what the surgeon says was 'fencing wire' I told him it felt like barbed wire. The operation has not been completely successful. Still having problems and it looks as though it is all coming down again. To think that it may all have been for nothing is not a good thought. Did not have a very good time of it. My ureter was accidently severed during the operation and a urologist had to be called in to assist with the repair. The upshot was that a week or so after I came home from hospital with my catheter, I finished up back in hospital with septicemia. Not a happy situation. After several days on intravenous antibiotics I came home but a week or so later infection appeared in my wrist. Apparently the bug was still living in the stent that they used to repair the ureter. Three days back in hospital on the intravenous antibiotics again. All the time in between taking them orally. I reckon no self respecting bug will live in me for another 10 years at least :lol:
Wrist calcified and had biggest one they had ever seen. (I don't do things by halves :lol: )
Had to go back in to get the stent removed after 4 months. Took me probably 8 months to start to feel as though I was getting on top again.

So that's the story.


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Post by tex »

Hi Liz,

Wow! You did have a rough time with that surgery. I've been thinking about this, since you posted it, and researching it a little, but I still haven't found much information on it, since it's not a very common proceedure. In fact, most of the information that I found, was of Australian origin, which struck me as somewhat unusual.

I have to say, though, considering your recemt symptoms, I tend to agree with you, that the surgery did not go well, (not just because of the complications, but because of your current BM symptoms), and I believe that "sagging" internal parts may be causing a lot of the problems you are having. If everything is not properly supported, some sections of your colon or small intestine might possibly at times be partially blocked, or twisted, or whatever, thus causing the erratic BM behaviour.

In fact, I wonder if it could be possible that your colon might be internally prolapsing, (or telescoping, so to speak), possibly in, or above, the sigmoid section, thereby effectively causing a perceived partial blockage. Of course, something like that should show up on x-reays or scans, I would think, unless it is only present at irregular times, and not during an exam.

I suspect that something inside, is out of order, and causing those unusual symptoms. I would think that your doctor could see the problem, with a scan of some type. This is a very preplexing problem.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Liz »

Hello Tex

The problem is internal. The recent Manometry, ultrasound and nerve tests that I had showed that the bowel lining is slipping this time and that there was a problem with the internal sphincter. The outer one is not so bad. The doc who did the tests said it was not the one that I had control over that is causing trouble but the one I don't have control over. He and the Colo/Rectal surgeon do not see eye to eye on what should be done. This is what makes me so unsure about what I should do. They are both colo/rectal surgeons and are in partnership in one venture.

I found the info from Melbourne and also followed a couple of other links by looking for 'Bioplastique'. I don't know why the Melbourne mob did not come up in my original searches.


A smile is a light in the window of your face that shows that your heart is at home
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