Elevated SED rate?

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Sicne your MC diagnosis, have you ever had an elevated SED rate?

Yes, but I have other active autoimmune diseases.
Yes, and I only have MC.
Total votes: 17

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Elevated SED rate?

Post by Zizzle »

I just found out my SED rate (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) is elevated for the first time in 7 years (since my random autoimmunity began). The level was 28, which is not considered terribly high. I guess Lupus and other diseases can have a rate as high as 100. Just wondering if folks with MC (and not another active autoimmune disease) have had elevated SED rates, meaning the GI inflammation is enough to cause it, and how elevated it was. Interestingly, this bloodwork was taken when I considered myself to be "in remission" from the MC. I was feeling good, except for an itchy skin rash.
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Post by tex »

:shrug: Mine tested 18 mm/hr, (normal range 0-15), 9 days after my first TIA, (in July, 2009). I seem to recall that it was slightly elevated on one or two tests in the preceding years, but my doctor blamed it on allergies, (mostly hayfever), and it was never very high. My SED rate hasn't been checked regularly, though, and it hasn't been checked in the last couple of years.

You have to remember that almost all of us have other autoimmune issues of one sort or another.


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Post by starfire »

I answered no because I haven't as far as I know. I would think, though, that anytime someone has a bad flare the sed rate would be up. I'm sure I haven't been tested at a time like that. Then again, I could be all wet. :grin:
I know it was up before my diagnosis.

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Post by TXBrenda »

I'll vote yes, but my SED rate values can be all over the place. I have had values less than 10 when I have had infections like staph and when I was in MC remission and no other issues. I have had values way over 100 when I have had infections but not as serious as staph. I may ask my doctor for the values since I was treated for the staph in 2006. They may have the values from earlier tests also. I have been treated for low thyroid since 2009.
Don't think I have RA but have plenty of the other.
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Post by Sheila »

My mother had MC, diagnosed about 12+- years ago, sent her samples to Entero Lab but never stopped eating gluten as they recommended. Subsequent to that she developed an elevated SED rate related to polymyalgia rheumatica, another auto immune disease. My brother inherited PMR and I inherited the MC and probably the celiac disease from her. :bikecollision: I'm hoping I don't get the PMR down the line since I seem to be blessed with varied auto immune issues.

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Post by humbird753 »

My Sed rate was at 26 in 2010, but (slightly) decreased fall of 2011 to 24. I am going in next week to get a CBC, Sed rate, B12 and D levels (plus ?). It will be interesting to find out if the Sed rate has decreased since going GF/DF/SF.


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Post by humbird753 »

I forgot to add that I do not have any other autoimmune diseases (at least none that I am aware of). IMO an elevated Sed rate can be from MC alone.


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Post by Zizzle »

You should probably ask for C Reactive Protein (CRP) too, another inflammatory marker.
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Post by HappyBird »

I have always had a raised ESR, it fluctuates but always higher than normal.
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