To find a picture stored on your computer:
#1 Click the "Browse" button (this will open your default location, on your computer, where you store your pictures.)
#2 Double click on the picture you want in your post (the location of your picture will appear in the box to the left of the "browse" button)
#3 Click the "host it" button (you will be directed to the ImageShack site
#4 Scroll down on this site and numberous options will be shown with a *URL* before and after the name
#5 The first block (to the right of the URL address) says *Hotlink for forums* HIGHLIGHT THE COMPLETE URL ADDRESS -
Use the *thumbnail* code
#6 Copy and past the complete URL address to the post where you want the picture (this box I am typing in)
You are now able to *preview* if you want to see if the procedure worked.
TO REGISTER - (the only way to retrieve pictures you have stored for future use), you must upload and host a picture first. This picture will need uploaded again. Just this first picture - the others will be stored for you once you register.
You can do the first 6 items listed in the instructions every time you want to incert a picture. These will not be stored at the ImageShake if you don't register. Either way is fairly quick.
PS the only information used in the registration is your email address. Quick
I'll try to help if anyone has any questions.
I think this picture is actually too big per Wayne's instructions - sorry!
"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." -- Buddha