Quantitative Microscopic Fecal Fat Score Less than 300 Units (Normal Range is less than 300 Units)
2 1/2 years ago it also was less than 300.
Mean Value 11 Antigenic Foods 19 Units (Normal Range is less than 10 Units)
This tells me I have developed sensitivities to more foods and more eliminations are needed.
Fecal Anti-gliadin IgA 95 Units (Normal Range is less than 10 Units)
Last time this was 32 units, it upsets me to see that this has gone up when I really felt I was eliminating all gluten.
Fecal Anti-casein (cow’s milk) IgA 64 Units (Normal Range is less than 10 Units)
Last time this was 7 units. The first year I faithfully eliminated dairy but in the second year I added in a little cottage cheese, and yogurt and occasionally ice cream.
My MRT test January 2012 indicated cottage cheese as a yellow, and the rest green. However, I have again eliminated dairy products since mid January. I clarified butter a month ago which I use very sparingly. I cook with coconut oil and olive oil. I recently switched from rice milk to almond milk.
Fecal Anti-ovalbumin (chicken egg) IgA 15 Units (Normal Range is less than 10 Units)
Egg was not tested last time. Eggs were a very low reactive green on MRT. Now I need to eliminate eggs. Right?
Fecal Anti-soy IgA 17 Units (Normal Range is less than 10 Units)
Prior to January 2010 testing I was drinking soy milk. My soy units at that time were 14. I then switched to rice milk. Now because of the results in the next group, I have switched to almond milk
most immunologic reactivity: Rice, Corn, Oat, White potato
intermediate reactivity: Walnut, Cashew, Chicken, Beef
least immunologic reactivity: Almond, Tuna, Pork
What a bummer!
Within each class of foods to which you displayed multiple reactions, the hierarchy of those reactions detected were as follows:
most immunologic reactivity: Rice
intermediate immunologic reactivity: Corn
least immunologic reactivity: Oat
This is going to be hard, no white rice, rice flour, rice pasta, corn chips, corn tortillas.
On my MRT test Rice and Oats were low greens and Corn a little higher green but still allowable. I felt safe in eating them. No reactions that I could tell. And I just made Marliss’s Down to Earth Granola with safe oats.
most immunologic reactivity: Chicken
next most immunologically reactive: Beef
intermediate immunologic reactivity: Tuna
least immunologic reactivity: Pork
I could give up Beef but Chicken! Darn! I love Chicken. Will Turkey be OK? Not a favorite. As a result, I have been eating more seafood and pork. But how can one be on a rotation diet when you make a pork roast and have enough for 6 meals. DH doesn’t want to eat it all and by the time I get back to eating it, it’s spoiled. I find when I freeze leftovers they get stuck in the freezer and not eaten.
MRT indicated Beef, Pork Egg, & Turkey as being low reactive greens. Chicken & Lamb were a little higher greens but not much.
most immunologic reactivity: Walnut
intermediate immunologic reactivity: Cashew
least immunologic reactivity: Almond
On MRT Walnuts were the only yellow under Beans/Nuts/Legumes and I don’t use them. I was eating a lot of Almonds. Because Almonds were a higher reactive on MRT I switched to Pistachios and Cashews which were very low reactive. As a result of the NUTS test here, I am going to try switching back to Almonds and Pistachios.
Nightshades: You displayed immunologic reactivity to white potato.
I haven’t had potatoes or any nightshades since January when my MRT chemicals listed SOLANINE as a yellow.
The individual results for white potato, tomatoes, eggplant were green on MRT
A concern of mine is the section from the EnteroLab report that I have highlighted below.
I called EnteroLab after getting my results as I had a question and was put through to the nurse. Later on in our conversation she said I didn’t need to eliminate EGGS altogether, just cut down on them to once a week. The same with Chicken and Beef. Just have them occasionally. If I remember correctly, she did want me to eliminate Rice, Corn Oats, & White Potatoes. Isn’t this contradictory to what is said here on the board?Dietary Recommendation Based on Test Results to Individual Foods: This test panel was designed to guide your choices when building a new more healthful, less antigenic dietary plan. The results are delivered in such a way that you are not left with “nothing to eat,” but instead they guide you in avoiding the foods in each group that are most stimulating to your immune system. We discourage dietary changes that involve removing too many foods at once. This can lead you to feel too hungry too often, especially if adequate healthful replacement foods are not readily available. Dietary elimination (beyond gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free) is best approached over a period of weeks to months and sometimes years, removing one or two additional foods at a time, rather than removing many foods at once.
She did stress the importance of the rotation diet so we don’t become sensitive to foods that we are eating every day.
I apologize that this has become so long but I wanted to explain each area.
I am doing very well. I have been having one and sometimes two quite normal BM’s a day by alternating Budesonide between 2 one day and 1 the next day. I don’t want to drop down any further as we are traveling to Wisconsin for a wedding on June 6 so the next ten days will be stressful for me. We plan on being gone 22 days. I will be taking a cooler and a lot of food along.