I know that there is a lot of interest by Forum members concerning the bacteria that inhabit our gut and how they might affect our health. I just noticed that Science Magazine, one of the most prestigious scientific journals, has a special issue on the gut microbiota. There are probably a dozen review articles on various aspects of their interactions...... probably more than most of us want to know!
Science and Science Translational Medicine join forces to explore how the myriad microbes that inhabit our guts influence our development, metabolism, immune system, and susceptibility to disease.
Normally you have to be a subscriber to gain access, but as a service to the community, we are also making these articles free to the public, with registration, until June 28, 2012.
For anyone interested, you can get a preview of the articles and register at the following url.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time………Thomas Edison