They don't work in the original version. Nor does clicking on one of the chapters in the table of contents automatically take you to the chapter that you selected. I was naive enough to think that the Kindle conversion software would automatically convert all URLs into live links (the way the software that operates this discussion board does). Unfortunately, their conversion software leaves a lot to be desired, so I had to reformat the entire book for the Kindle version.
The upgraded version that's available now, works properly (
I think), but unfortunately, for some strange reason, Kindle doesn't make it easy to download an upgraded version (or redownload an obsolete version, for that matter). At least they don't go to any great length to advise customers on how to go about it. It can be done, but apparently one has to know how to go about it.
I tracked down an explanation of how to do it and posted it in another thread, for Joe. He also has an iPad, so if he is able to do it, then hopefully he'll be able to tell us exactly how to go about it. Here is copy of the post that contains the links:
Both versions are now up to date and available, but I don't know if Joe (or anyone else) has had a chance to try to redownload it.
If you aren't able to successfully download an upgraded copy, then I'll just have to refund your money so that you can buy a copy of the new version, because IMO, the original version sucks, but it didn't dawn on me to take it offline in time to prevent at least 9 or 10 copies from being downloaded.