What if I had low cortisol levels/adrenal fatigue/even Addison's Disease which led to my autoimmune conditions?? Certainly the chronic level of stress beginning after my first pregnancy could have contributed.
I had most of the symptoms:
I was really starting to wonder about all my hyperpigmentation, which is lightening now that I'm on prednisone!!The most common symptoms are fatigue, lightheadedness upon standing or while upright, muscle weakness, fever(no), weight loss, difficulty in standing up, anxiety, nausea(no), vomiting (no), diarrhea, headache, sweating, changes in mood and personality, and joint and muscle pains. Some have marked cravings for salt or salty foods due to the urinary losses of sodium.[1] Increased tanning may be noted, particularly in sun-exposed areas, as well as darkening of the palmar creases, sites of friction, recent scars, the vermilion border of the lips, and genital skin
I also had documented hypoglycemia, persistent low BP (orthostatic hypotension) despite tons of salt intake, and I felt more awake, alert and energetic after 6PM than I did all day (night owl tendencies).
My rheumy thinks I may need replacement doses of prednisone (5 mgs) indefinitely, and now I'm inclined to agree. But I wonder if I might try natural adrenal enhancers eventually instead? In any event, I plan to closely monitor the various blood indicators of adrenal function to know what to do.
Anyone else here with known or suspected adrenal/cortisol problems?