My hospital stay - "Missing Month"

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My hospital stay - "Missing Month"

Post by Joefnh »

While on the ventilator they kept me sedated with propofol and fentanyl 24x7 for 13 days. They had a hard time weening me off of the ventilator as due to the MG my breathing muscles in my diaphragm were essentially paralyzed.


After I was awake and able to breathe on my own, my son shared some the pictures that were taken. I had 2 of the IV pump setups (one on each side) Apparently they were all used each delivering a different med.



The best medicine I could have ever hope for was my own private nurse... AKA "Nurse Nestle" Once out of the ICU I was transferred to the surgical recovery ward, my kids arranged to have her come to visit me. She jumped right up onto the bed crying and basically fell asleep on top of me. She stayed there for about 3 hours and I just fell asleep knowing all was OK at that moment.

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Post by tex »

Wow! What an ordeal. You're lucky to walk away from that one.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Joefnh »

Tex after 12 days on the ventilator with all of the issues at hand that they were struggling to control, the doctor told the family members that were there that if anyone might want to fly in that it would be a good time to do so.
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Post by tex »

I hear you.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Deb »

Glad to see you back, Joe. Continued prayers for healing for you. Deb
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Post by JLH »

Oh, my goodness, Joe, that is so scary. Bravo to you, your doctors, nurses and Nurse Nestle. We are all praying for your rehab to go without a hitch.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and don't play one on TV.

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Post by ldubois7 »

Wow! What an ordeal. You're a very strong person! So, glad that is behind you!

Linda :)

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Post by Sheila »

Wow, pictures are worth a thousand words. You are a strong man, Joe, and I hope you never go through such an ordeal ever again.

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Post by humbird753 »

Wow, Joe. You have been through a lot. I agree with Sheila - you are a very strong man. I pray you continue to improve.


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Post by Lesley »

SO happy to see you back, Joe. Next pics of you at home with Nurse Nestle in your garden please!
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Post by MaggieRedwings »

Powerful pictures Joe but Nurse Nestle was your best medicine. Just finished doing the ICU with Frank's son and it is a very scary place with all of the machines. Your pictures are very similar to his stay. Continued recovery.

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Post by CathyMe. »

Unbelievable Joe and what a sweet picture of Nestle! They are such good companions and she must be happy that you're home!
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Post by Zizzle »

Holy Cow Joe! I'm so glad you're still here! Your nurse is the absolute best. KEEP FIGHTING!
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Post by fatbuster205 »

OMG! So glad you are out the other side and returning to health! xxx Love and hugs!
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