Interaction with Entocort & SSRI

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Interaction with Entocort & SSRI

Post by acppena »

Do you know if there is an interaction taking Entocort and an SSRI? I'm nervous to take more than one Rx at the same time. Just wanted to see what others experiences were.
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Post by tex »

There are no listed drug interactions between budesonide (the active ingredient in Entocort) and any SSRIs that I'm familiar with.

Please be aware though that SSRIs are listed as known triggers for MC (along with several other classes of medications). Quite a few members here blame an SSRI or some other anti-depressant medication for causing their MC.

SSRIs don't cause MC symptoms for everyone, only a certain percentage of people. However, if you happen to be someone who is sensitive to them, then taking an SSRI will prevent you from being able to achieve remission from MC symptoms, no matter what else you do. Let's hope that they don't trigger MC for you.


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