
Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh

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Little Blue Penguin
Little Blue Penguin
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Post by Zoey244 »

I have recently developed a flare up after a year of last Entocort dosage.I would like to do the Enterolab testing but I live in NY. Would welcome suggestion for which test and how to proceed in ordering due to the mailing issue from NY.
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Rockhopper Penguin
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Post by JFR »


I've done this for 2 people so far. I live in Vermont. I order the test for you using my address and then I mail it out to you. You send it back to me when its ready to be shipped back to Enterolab then I mail it back. It's worked without a hitch both times.

Little Blue Penguin
Little Blue Penguin
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Post by Zoey244 »

That's awesome. What panel would you recommended? Not sure how the test works . I assume the packaging is pretty secure. Let me know what I need to do and how we work it out.
Thank you
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Rockhopper Penguin
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Post by JFR »

If you can afford it then doing the combination of A1 and C1 gives you the most information. Some people find the gene testing for gluten sensitivity helpful, especially if you have children, but that adds even more cost. At the very least you should do A1 for the big 4, gluten, casein, soy and eggs. I did only A1 at first and after I got those results I decided I wanted to do C1 also. It's not cheap but it is the most helpful medical expenditure I have ever made so I don't regret the cost even though I had to pay it off over time.

The packaging is very secure so there's no worry there and their directions are good. If you tell me what tests you want we can figure out the cost and you can pay me through Paypal. I will charge it to my credit card but it will be done under your name, just shipped and charged to me. I will send you a private message with my email address and we can continue this conversation that way.

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