my symptoms were saying something different. I outlayed the $70 for the test... another worthwhile investment..
(my nutritionist was able to order this test, my out of pocket cost for my appointment with her was $30)
Informed self care at work...Your result is high, and high enough that it has even been marked with a H. Your result is 554 pmol/L, ref range is 170-450.
This indicates you need to support the correct conversion into T3 and not this weaker version.
Basically anything you do to support T4 to T3 conversion will work primarly zinc (!), selenium, Vit A. Address liver health further perhaps. Factors that increase conversion to rT3 are stress/ trauma/ inflammation/ low calorie diet/ infections/ toxins/ liver & kidney dysfunction/ certain medications. Stress is probably the biggest influencer of this shift to rT3.