Hashimitos , leaky gut

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Hashimitos , leaky gut

Post by jsstnana@gmail.com »

Does anyone else suffer with not only MC, but leaky gut and/or Hashimitos and/or other autoimmune disorders? I have so many things going on right now--when I read what to do about one it often conflicts what I am supposed to do to heal another! Since April I have been trying to heal leaky gut while avoiding food intolerances found by poop analysis. Doesn't leave me much to eat. Now dealing also with Hashimotos and adrenal fatigue issues--am at my wits end! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Looking at Autoimmune Paleo Approach....
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Post by tex »

Hi Barb,

Yes, all of us have leaky gut. It's the cause of most of the food intolerances except gluten. Gluten causes leaky gut, and leaky gut causes the other food sensitivities.

Many of us have Hashimoto's, or other thyroid problems. I'm hypothyroid, but my thyroid antibody test result was negative (several years ago). A poll shows that we are 7 times as likely as someone in the general population to have thyroid problems of some type. Most of us also have other autoimmune issues. They tend to be associated with MC and food sensitivities.

You will find (as most of us have found) that after we resolve our MC symptoms (by allowing our gut to heal), most of your other issues will be either significantly improved, or completely resolved.

A modified form of the paleo diet works for many of us, but as you have found, we have to customize the diet to avoid our food sensitivities, because most of us cannot eat all paleo foods, especially high fiber foods. Here's a link to the poll on thyroid isses:

Poll About Thyroid Issues


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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