some articles about magnesium that you may find interesting;
A marginal deficiency can easily be transformed into a more significant problem when stressful events trigger additional magnesium loss. In the extreme situations stressful events trigger sudden drops of serum magnesium leading to cardiac arrest. Even a mild deficiency of magnesium can cause increased sensitivity to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, and insomnia ... are-linked
As usual with natural cures, research into magnesium is slim. But early studies do indicate that magnesium may be effective at treating anxiety. A study in France of 264 patients with generalized anxiety disorder found that a statistically significant number of men and women reported improvements on a magnesium regimen.
Another study found that magnesium may have a positive effect on depression as well. Both depression and anxiety are often linked, because both result in fatigue and disaster thinking.
Magnesium is unlikely to cure anxiety in everyone. Instead, the most likely reason that magnesium is so effective is because many people are experiencing the more pronounced anxiety symptoms as a result of their magnesium deficiency. By taking magnesium supplements, these individuals are no longer deficient, and any effects magnesium may have had on their health become less problematic.
Also, there is a significant connection between how the body feels and how the mind feels. When you take magnesium while you're not getting enough, your body is likely to feel better because every component of the 300+ processes is running correctly. That, in turn, will make your entire body feel healthier and more relaxed, which will improve your battle with anxiety.