you may not have major food intolerances ie where you have instant bad reaction, but everybody whether they have an IBD or not gets inflammation from high inflammation ingredients like gluten, dairy, etc.although I don't think I have food intolerances I think I'll go gluten free as a start to my recovery.
For MC'ers that excess inflammation makes us flare, and delays healing etc.
Ongoing inflammation is what causes the symptoms like joint pain, fatigue, brain fog.
so although you may think that you dont have food intolerance's, the arrival of MC into your life makes you very vulnerable to inflammation.
That is one of the big adjustments many of us here have to make/embrace. Prior to my MC diagnosis i lived on raw veges and fruit, and had hobbies like cake decorating. the MC diagnosis meant big changes in my life, not just with the eating plan, but with hobbies, social life, even my career and living arrangements.Having always had such a healthy diet this cruel disease has come as a shock.
hope this helps