went to quite a few places i had never been to before - over 1500kms of driving (over 930miles)
'Three Sisters' Blue Mountains Katoomba NSW

National Motor Racing Muesum

Poll Position - on iconic race track

Sunset - christmas afternoon

Whip Bird - makes melodic whip cracking sound

Red Wattlebird

this was my first road trip holiday since MC diagnosis 8 years ago. I ate out with no major issues with digestion.
The main thing I have noticed that has changed in the last 7 years is that getting 'safe ingredients' and 'safe meals' is way, way easier. Awareness of dietary intolerances has grown big time, and being able to eat out is much easier compared to 5-7 years ago. Menus and food places are much more receptive to dietary requests. In larger cities thanks to interest in keto eating plans, I was able to get high protein meals such a breakfast that was just eggs, bacon and avocado.
When eating out, I am used an intolerance complex product that helps the body digest gluten and dairy to minimize inflammation in case I accidentally ingest them. I have also increased Vit D3 and magnesium.
As it is summer here in Australia, I am getting accommodations with decent size fridges so I can carry some 'safe staples’ such as cold meats, avocado, etc. This means that I have been able to stick to high protein MC safe eating plan while travelling. Tonight we are in an Air BNB option that is a house with fully decked out kitchen. I have cooked steak and vegies for dinner, and have some left-over vegies to have with my breaky tomorrow. For $32 worth of ingredients I have done yummy dinner for two people (good quality steak and vegies), and have ingredients for breakfast for two people with vegies, bacon, eggs.
Once home a check with my functional practitioner and I was not toxic nor ‘gut breeched’ (functional term for no excess inflammation in the gut) I was really chuffed with this given I was also having treats of red wine. All the hard work/changes/sacrifices of the first years post diagnosis are totally worth it!