interpreting Methylation Report

Discussions about methylation issues that may or may not affect microscopic colitis

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interpreting Methylation Report

Post by Gabes-Apg »

For those with the genetic genie methylation report (from 23andme data)
this site (thanks Donna P Wink ) has some good explanations of the genetic variables and what it means for your methylation cycle.

We discuss Vit D supplementation alot and I found this part interesting. What your Vit D receptor Genes status is (and your gene status of other key genes linked to methylation) - may explain how you respond to Vit D supplementation - as it is linked with the methylation cycle...

Like most things in MC world, there is no black and white or easy summary to all of this, each individuals variables of multiple gene mutations affect things. Albeit it does explain why someone will have fantastic response to a diet change or supplement change within weeks, and why another person it may take months to see benefit or they dont feel it is helping them at all. Methionine Synthase

Individuals with a normal Vitamin D receptor, those who are VDR Taq (-/-), make plenty of dopamine. They tend not to need or to tolerate methyl groups or dopamine precursor substances. With respect to methyl group need and tolerance, they behave like COMT (+) individuals. Individuals (+/+) or (+/-) for VDR Taq defect have lower Vitamin D levels, make less dopamine, and will need and tolerate dopamine precursor substances and methyl donors. With respect to methyl donor tolerance, VDR Taq (+) individuals behave like COMT (-) individuals. All sorts of permutations are possible here, impacting on your tolerance and need for dopamine precursors and methyl groups. I acknowledge that this is all very difficult to understand.

Tex: another interesting thing on this web page is the info about MTR & MTRR gene mutations.
if you have MTR A2756G mutation then your B12 blood levels may be normal, but your methyl B12 will be low.

then as you get into the MTRR, my interpretation of what the site says, based on my gene mutation results, is that i need both forms of B12.

I feel like Alice in Wonderland, what at first was really weird and strange, captivates me and is a magical world - where on the surface nothing makes sense, but then it makes more sense and I wonder why I didnt find this magical place earlier!!
Gabes Ryan

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Post by tex »

Yes there's definitely a significant learning curve, but as we learn to work our way through the information, we're able to open doors that were previously locked to our search for solutions.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by dolson »

In case I forgot, I want to say from the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry for our disagreement and my childish behavior. You are informative, smart, intelligent, and a wealth of information on MC. You know more than I will ever know. This disease is a complete mystery to me. You have a good handle on things and I admire you. Wayne is lucky to have you as an informed moderator. I've learned so much from you. If I ever learn a tenth of what you know about this disease, maybe I can help y'all out. Again, please forgive me Gabes. I was wrong and promise to never act childish again. Dorothy
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Thank you for this note and apology accepted.

I am a former over achiever/perfectionist. One of my biggest adjustments to life with MC/multiple autoimmune was accepting my body could not do all that my mind wanted to.
Healing will be very slow until you make modifications.

Happy healing
Gabes Ryan

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Post by dolson »

Thanks again for the info. I will do whatever it takes to help manage this monster. I think you are wonderful and helpful. Wayne told me that histamine is my problem and I think he's right. Y'all make a good team and when I know more, maybe I can help when y'all are in a crunch. That will take a long time since I really know nothing about MC. It's a complicated disease in my humble opinion and without Wayne, you and this support group, I'd be in one heck of a mess. It seems to effect everybody differently. I know histamine is not a cure but antihistiamines help a lot. Glad we are friends. Dorothy
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