sorry that you are having a rough time
as per the first post of this thread - we recommend no spices or herbs in the first stages of healing. I think the add ins to your beef broth (ginger, tumeric, kombu etc) one, some or all of these may have been the culprit
we encourage that broth just be bones and salt (especially in first stages of healing)
green beans - if you react to soy then some of us react to beans (i do)
be cautious of the GF rice Chex, it still has small amounts of gluten
avoid baked goods
what to eat - safe proteins, 1-2 veges
if you eat some vegges and have multiple D then one or some of those veges does not agree with you
Basics of the eating plan
Gluten Free (100% gluten free)
Dairy Free
Soy Free
Egg Free
Why - these are the most common items to cause issues for MC'ers.
when there has been good healing, some people can add eggs back in. (or use alternative egg source like Duck eggs, quail eggs etc more on this later)
there are articles at the bottom about Gluten and Dairy and why they are highly inflammatory. Not just for MC'ers or those with IBD's for but for the entire population. It is very likely you had the celiac blood test and it came out negative. there is an explanation below that will clarify this issue.
Bland - no spices, salt only (where possible use grinder and pure salt, pure pepper so there is no risk of contamination from processed items Why? spices increase inflammation
Well cooked Vegetables - mushy well cooked veges - why? fibre is inflammation trigger to MC'ers, especially when reacting. (after good period of healing, fibre intake can be increased slightly)
also- well cooked makes them low inflammation, easy to digest, the body uses less energy to get the goodness from the meal
early days keep it to 1-3 safe vegetables there is no absolutely safe vegetable for everyone, the following is a list of the ones that suit most.
Sweet Potato/Kumara Red potato carrot courgette/zucchini/squash Rutabaga/turnip/swede Cauliflower
Well cooked proteins - optimises bodies ability to digest the protein and absorb the nutrients
Protein, being animal protein is key element for healing. Aim to have good serves of protein each meal.
which proteins? this is where things get very individual - Things like Chicken can be ok for some, but total chaos for someone else.
Turkey (ensure it is pure, and no hidden ingredients like soy via rosemary flavour or onion powder, )
Game Meats - Venison, Bison, Duck etc (tend to be pure, grass fed, less GMO inputs etc)
Animal Fat, - via fatty cuts of meat including bacon.
the safest fat sources are Coconut Oil or Pure Olive Oil.
Ghee is safe for some people
Fat is essential for good digestion process, and needed for the healing process. Unrefined coconut oil has a relatively low smoke point, and it makes anything cooked in it taste like coconut. A good refined coconut oil has a much higher smoke point (therefore it is great for frying fish, etc., at 350–360 degrees F), and I have never tasted coconut in the fish, French fries, chicken, or whatever I have cooked in it. (I really didn't want hash browns that tasted like coconut)! :)
Home Made Bone Broth
home made bone broth is a cheap gut healing powerforce! it has 75% of the amino acids your body needs, it has gut healing essential like collagen and gelatin, it has minerals - All in a easy to digest form, in a perfect combo of elements that optimize each other.
Use it to make soups and stews with your safe protein and vegetables
cook vegetables in it (gives them more flavour)
some people can drink small amount each day
cook rice or other safe grains in it
Cooking the bones for 2-3 hours and freezing into portions is best way to avoid histamine issues
NB: commercial stocks and broths do not have the same gut healing ingredients in them.
Like most things in MC world, not everything will suit everybody.