The meds that Carla tried...

Personal experiences with various medications used to control the symptoms of Microscopic Colitis and related issues, should be posted here.

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The meds that Carla tried...

Post by peanut »

Pre - diagnosis:


Post - Diagnosis:


My impression of all of the above:

:crack: :censored:

In short, none worked for me !

LC - dx'd 2004 - Celiac -biopsy dx'd 2004 - pernicious anemia... ;)
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Peanut----U nut!!!!!

Post by barbaranoela »

Peanut----first of all nice to meet U

I luved your description of your trial with meds-
U sure didnt luck out with any of them but maybe thats not what U needed---whacha using now????

Lomotil is the best---I also used that chlorestrymine(or however U spell it) that gross powder mixture---- :blah:
That only made me wanna puke-----

And I was given something for *spasms*,forget the name, and that killed my tummy--

Such a lucky bunch of peoples, arent we :conversation:

Cya on the board Peanuts!!!!
luv Barbara
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Hi Barbara !

Post by peanut »

Nice to meet you too - I am not on any medication now - Mine is pretty much controlled with the gf diet - being as I am celiac as well.

The only thing I take is a multi-vitamin and an iron supplement. (I am anemic)

Anyway, all the meds I tried either had no effect or made things worse - go figure ! I was all for taking a "magic pill" and making it all better ! :mallet: But, it didn't work ! :raspberry:

I look forward to getting to know you better !

LC - dx'd 2004 - Celiac -biopsy dx'd 2004 - pernicious anemia... ;)
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Hi Carla and Barbara

Post by dolson »

I've reached a point that MC is driving me insane. I need a doctor in Georgia, Alabama, S.C., N.C., or Florida. I need help desperatly. I need someone who understands MC and what to take for relief. I wish somebody would respond and tell me who to see. I will not, can not take corticosteriods or Prednisone. I have taken it before with horrible side effects. Pie face, freaky looking and feeling like a sick pup. I was informed by a respected doctor to stay away from steroids, period!

Y'all are saying there is nothing to take to stop the CHRONIC DIARRHEA, UNDIGESTED FOOD IN THE TOILET, EXTREME FATIGUE, HAIR THINNING, IRRITABILITY, BRAIN FOG, and SCARED TO EAT. If I could, I would not eat.

They have cured people with AIDS and that was discovered in the 1990s. Yesterday in medical terms. MC, which my father had and part of his demise has been around since the 1950s or forever and nothing has been done. GRRRR!

What should I do y'all? Thanks, Dorothy
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Post by Deb »

Dorothy, I haven't followed your posts real closely so I apologize if this isn't helpful. Are you gluten, dairy, soy and egg free, or have you done the Enterolab tests to determine your sensitivities? If so, have you done an elimination diet with basically a couple of foods you can tolerate (have you found any of those)? If yes, have you tried adding one additional food and charting the results for several days before adding another. Again, this is just basic stuff and I see you've been on here for a year so perhaps this has all been done and of no help. I am sorry you are feeling so bad and hope something will help.
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Post by Janie »

I don't very my diet much when I am reacting mainly because I am on meds for other problems.
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