Good Reads, relaxation and enjoying life for health

These guidelines provide experience-proven information that should bring recovery and healing in the shortest amount of time for most MC patients.

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Good Reads, relaxation and enjoying life for health

Post by Gabes-Apg »

Good Reads

Microscopic Colitis - What Really causes Microscopic Colitis, Celiac Disease and Other Autoimmune Diseases? by Wayne Persky

Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease - How Vitamin D prevents Autoimmune Disease by Wayne Perskey

The Magnesium Miracle - Dr Carolyn Dean
lots of free articles on her website -

The Paleo Approach - Sarah Ballantyne.
You are the Placebo - Dr Joe Dispenza
Buddha's Brain - Rick Hanson
anything by Pema Chodron
How I got my Wiggle Back - Anthony Field (the Blue Wiggle)
The Wahls Protocol - how I beat progressive MS using paleo principles and functional medicine - Terry Wahls MD
The Book of Awakening - Mark Nepo
Relaxation Revolution - Herbert Benson MD William Proctor
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza
Just one thing - Rick Hanson
Biology of Belief - Bruce H Lipton PhD
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lakhiani

inputs via Donna, Carol, Monique, Jari, Kari, Jean, Polly, Joe, Marliss
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Relaxation, Calm and Healthy mind, preparing the body for good quality sleep are essential to the healing process.

Stressful events -ie moving house, health issues with family / friends, job change, death of family member/friend have been known to cause major flare
Part of a successful MC management plan is having activities that you can do to keep the mind and body calm can help to minimise inflammation.

Here are some activities / audio books / guided meditation / podcasts etc that others have found very useful

Spending time in Nature
Meditative yoga
Colouring In
Faith / Spiritual / Religion


Insight Program (helps to rewire your brain to reach deep level of medication for healing)

The Seven Chakras Crystal Illumination - Aeoliah


Dave Asprey - Bulletproof Radio podcasts, he interviews scientists, guru's, farmers, authors, from all aspects of life - the podcasts cover wide range of topics, nutritional content of food, eating plans, biotoxins, light therapy, meditation - a wholistic comprehensive approach to optimising wellness
(Dave himself has recovered from Chronic illness due to mould)

Inputs from Brandy, Monique, Brandy, Gabes
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Other 'Healthy Relaxing' activities

Earthing ... etter.aspx

4-7-8 Breathing Technique - Dr Andrew Weil ... ation.html

Colouring In ... =australia

Inputs by Vanessa, Paula, Tex, Gabes
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Words of Wisdom for the Healing journey

Things falling apart is kind of testing and also a kind of healing.
We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem.

The truth is, that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart.
They come together again and fall apart again. Its just like that.
The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.
Pema Chodron, things fall apart

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny
C.S Lewis

A healthy lifestyle is not just about what you eat, it is also what you consume emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Certainly life is painful much of the time, but we don't have to SUFFER. We suffer only because of our preconceived expectations about how life should be, not how it really is. We let our minds constantly ruminate about the past (Why did I do that?, I wish I had, etc.) and the future (unknown, scary, etc.). When, actually, life only happens minute to minute and nothing else really matters. That's what mindfulness is - living in the minute.

It isn't the things that happen to us in our lives that cause us to suffer,
it is how we relate to the things that happen to us that causes us to suffer.
Pema Chodron
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Post by Hazelbird »

So informative! So helpful! You are a wealth of knowledge, Gabes! (And great quotes too!)

I was pleased to see my old standbys on your list: Pema Chodron, Dr Andrew Weil, Rick Hanson, Mother Nature :wink: I also value the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and books/meditations/body scans by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Anything about simple living and minimalism are my go-tos as well.

One of Dr Carolyn Dean's articles said not to drink water (fluids) with meals. That was a question I was going to ask the forum: when to drink water.

So much more to read and learn! Thank you!!!
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Post by tex »

I drink water whenever I'm thirsty. But I'm mostly retired so I have plenty of time to spend digesting food. The problem with drinking water with meals is that it dilutes the concentration of stomach acid and slows down digestion. I understand that the native American plains Indians didn't drink water with meals, and I'll bet that was true for virtually all hunter-gatherers since the beginning of time because they needed to be able to run down game animals or escape predators. Running interferes with the digestive process, and intense running can even abort digestion, so they often didn't have the luxury of sitting around for hours waiting for their food to digest.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

I drink water before meals and inbetween meals. and about 15 mins after meals to take my supplements etc.

I drink over 2 litres (?0.6 gallon) each day.
Gabes Ryan

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Post by Hazelbird »

Interesting and logical. Thanks! That's another change I'll make today.
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Post by twirlitgirl »

I just jumped on here and saw this topic, thank you so much Gabes and Tex for all these links and reading material to get calm and relax with holidays in full swing , get togethers and
pre christmas celebrations it is good to have a quiet place to just breathe and keep inflammation down and stay well eating my safe foods. I will look at drinking my water now in a new way too.. thank-you and hugs . Have a great day.everyone.
diagnosed with LC by biopsy
in May 2013 , supplements B complex, Vit C ,Vit D3 Zinc, with a multivitamin, and magnesium to round out the pack.
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Drinking WATER

Post by dolson »

As everybody knows, I'm a strong believer in CREON, enzyme replacements. I don't know who told me, but they recommended drinking lots of water for it to work. We all know our pancreas is inflamed and we need enzyme replacements. Dr. Fine recommended eating a few bites of food before taking CREON! I remember the days when I was a child, my father took acid through a straw to avoid tooth destruction to help digest his food. I guess HCL is effected too! I understand drinking lots of water dilutes HCL and enzymes, that makes sense to me.I never knew what my father had, but he was a Type 1 diabetic and then developed GI problems, just like me.

The older I get, the more I believe Genetics. We are our parents! Everything I have wrong with me comes from my paternal and maternal side of my family. OUCH! Dorothy
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Post by tex »

Dorothy wrote:We are our parents! Everything I have wrong with me comes from my paternal and maternal side of my family. OUCH!
Truer words were never spoken (or written). I inherited my celiac/MC issues from my mother, and a sudden massive colonic bleeding issue (I've forgotten the medical name for it) from my father. It almost killed me in 2010 (it got my uncle in 1955, and my dad in 1983). Luckily, the surgeons were able to remove my colon before I bled to death. It behooves us to pay attention to the health issues of our parents. If I hadn't told the surgeons about my dad and uncle, so that they realized the seriousness of the problem, and worked quickly, I wouldn't be here to write this response today.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Grahm »

No truer words, I’m convinced my mother died of what we have. She became septic, it was awful and so painful. I’m so thankful for this board because I don’t think I could’ve survived without it being diagnosed in 2014. Thank you to Tex, Gabe’s and all that have helped us along the way. I love each and everyone of you.

Grahm (Connie)
Live, Laugh & Love Much
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