I have started out eating rice, wild meat, fish including shellfish, well cooked vegetables, a little bit of applesauce, coconut oil, olive oil, and specific carbohydrate muffins I make myself with almond flour
A few eggs and maple syrup or honey, avocado and a bananas or two. ( I did read about the histamines not sure I understand this even with all the reading I have done).

I am taking Certirizine and Budesonide For my seasonal allergies. I also take to 2 L Glutamine 500 mg Which also contains rice flour cellulose and magnesium Stearate, 2 turmeric 2600mg Which contains cellulose and Meg Stearate, Querecetin 500 mg This contains cellulose, mag Stearate And silicone dioxide., Vitamin D 2000 IU which contains olive oil, bovine gelatin and glycerin, I’ve been having back pain and leg pain and something like restless leg syndrome so I’ve been using CBD cream on those. When I take an Imodium early on I would have no WD but frequent stools throughout the day. I then started the Pepto-Bismol treatment but after three weeks I couldn’t tolerate that anymore and it didn’t seem to be helping as my stool frequency was increasing. I have to admit I wasn’t following the diet I listed above during any of this. I was gluten-free and soy free but that was it. I live in Maryland and cannot get the Ento/lab ordered. If anyone knows a way around this please let me know. I was taking a Statin Livalo But stop that around the time I stopped the Pepto. My cholesterol is 300 with my LDL at 197. The doctor wants me to go back on the Statin .
My questions are should I be taking any other supplements or changing what I’m on? What are your thoughts on the Statin?
This week is when I got serious about the diet. To early to tell if what I am doing will work.
I would love to try chicken and turkey but because I couldn’t get the Ento/lab test. I was able to get a blood sensitivity test. There is no major reactions I did have minimal reactions to chicken fish eggs dairy and turkey. So I have been trying to avoid those until I get my symptoms under control.

I am always full and I got to tell you by the end of the day I’m tired of eating. Trying to maintain in 2000 cal is very hard on this diet. I do use the olive oil and the coconut purified oil to supplement. I only use about 2 tablespoons of each today may be a little more. Is there anything in my diet I can do to help. Also was just diagnosed with arthritis of the back. Haven’t seen the orthopedic Dr yet but I am thinking its inflammatory. I’ve been using E stim And red light therapy along with the CBD cream. That seems to of helped a little. Any other suggestions?
Thanks as always this group is so impressive that I changed my smile on Amazon to support this group. It’s nice to know there are so many going through the same things But my prayer is we can find a cure so we can all put an end to this misery.