Do You Know (Or Believe That You Know) What Caused Your MC?

Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh

Do you know what caused your MC?

No, I have no idea what might have caused it.
Yes, I believe it was due to an antibiotic.
Yes, I believe it was due to my use of NSAIDs.
Yes, I believe it was due to using a PPI.
Yes, I believe it was due to using an SSRI, SNRI, amitriptylene, or another anti-depressant.
Yes, I believe it was due to taking a statin.
Yes, I believe it was due to using a beta blocker.
Yes, I believe it was due to using a bisphosphonate.
Yes, I believe it was because I stopped smoking.
No votes
Yes, I believe it was due to excessive stress in my life.
Yes, I believe it was due to too much sugar in my diet.
Yes, I believe it was due to untreated gluten sensitivity.
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Post by Gergely »

For me, I think:

- GI infections (2x) acquired in Asia,
- Genetic factor: (my father has totally the same symptoms - started 35 years ago - , but he is undiagnosed).
- Autoimmun origin? (I am allergic to pollens and dust, I have seborrheic dermatitis around my nose).

I've never used ppi-s or any related medicines except NSAIDs rarely (for 2-3 days in every year).
Almost zero use of antibiotics before my symptoms started.
Male. | Age of onset: 31. | Diagnosis of collagenous colitis at the age of 33. (A few days ago.) | Symptoms: mild morning diarrhea or loose stool once a day. Severe watery diarrhea (3-4 times after eating triggering food) once or twice in a month.
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Post by sunny »

I think for me it was a combination of the undiagnosed gluten problem, excessive antibiotics, and life long stress starting with ongoing childhood trauma.
I also wonder if 2 bouts of food poisoning pre-disposed me to LC....
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

the allergies to pollen and dust are linked to magnesium and B6 deficiencies.

(of note allergies and mast cells are linked to MC)
I have resolved life long (that were at times chronic) allergy and asthma issues once I fixed magnesium and B6 deficiencies, stuck with low inflammation eating plan and healed my gut!
Gabes Ryan

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Re: Do You Know (Or Believe That You Know) What Caused Your MC?

Post by jbrohlr »

I'm surprised that only one person blames statins for their MC (me). Granted, it took me a long time to make the connection, but over a period of 10 years and several times of having GP's guilt me into taking my statin, then ending up with D/fecal incontinence I have to say the cause and effect between statins and D is beyond coincidence. Maybe I'm unique - I don't look unique.

John R.
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Re: Do You Know (Or Believe That You Know) What Caused Your MC?

Post by tex »

Hello John,

I've seen speculations in the medical literature that statins are suspected 7o have caused the development of MC in some cases, but there doesn't appear to be any conclusive evidence. As you've noted, in some cases, it definitely appears to be the cause for the development of MC, but apparently it's not a common enough occurrence to establish a cause and effect association. I believe more than a few of us are taking statins, including myself, because I've had a stroke in the past, but as far as I'm aware, statins aren't triggering symptoms for any of us (except in your case, of course), at least they certainly aren't for me.

That said, when I originally tried taking simvastatin, after eight or nine months, when I would wake up some mornings, the fingers of one or both of my hands would be locked in an extended position, and I'd have to take my other hand to force them down, before I could flex them normally. It took several months after I stopped taking simvastatin, before my hands were unaffected. After I had the stroke, my GP suggested that I try atorvastatin, which I did, and it's worked fine now for over four years. At least I haven't noticed any side effects that could be attributed to it.

I'm beginning to wonder if almost anything can possibly trigger MC, in some cases, whenever there's a heightened susceptibility.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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