Enterolab tests- where to start?

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Enterolab tests- where to start?

Post by joymarion »

Hello. I have LC diagnosed in 2008. I am interested in Enterolab testing and don't know where to start. Can you tell me what would be the first test to get, the basic step 1? And then which ones after that, in order. I'm asking for budgeting purposes.
Thank you!
Lymphocytic Colitis diagnosed 2009
Dermatomyositis diagnosed 1999
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Re: Enterolab tests- where to start?

Post by tex »

Hi Joy,

I responded to your post yesterday, where you asked basically the same question.

There's a direct link to that post:

https://www.perskyfarms.com/phpBB/viewt ... 81#p207281

there's not much point in doing one test at a time, because you can't reach remission without removing every one of those foods that you react to from your diet. And it's much more expensive to buy the test individually than to buy them in combination. If $399 is more than you can budget at this point, why don't you just try the elimination diet. It costs nothing.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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