Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

Moderators: Rosie, Jean, CAMary, moremuscle, JFR, Dee, xet, Peggy, Matthew, Gabes-Apg, grannyh, Gloria, Mars, starfire, Polly, Joefnh

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If you've had Covid-19 since your MC diagnosis, did it cause an MC flare?

1. No, it did not cause an MC flare.
2. If it caused a flare, was the flare short-lived, and easy to resolve?
No votes
3. If it caused a flare, did the flare last longer than 2 or 3 months?
4. If it caused a flare, did the flare last longer than six months?
No votes
Total votes: 8

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Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by tex »

Covid-19 seems to cause major problems for many microscopic colitis patients. In many cases, it triggers a relapse that tends to be persistent, and very difficult to resolve. Let's try to determine whether this assessment is accurate. Please respond to this poll with the most appropriate selection.

Note that you'll be able to change your vote in this poll, if your situation changes.

It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by ldubois7 »

I had covid in early June.

I was having some trouble with flaring in May, but despite taking away almost everything I was able to add to my diet, in the last 10 years, since diagnosed with LC, I’m still not in remission. :???:
Linda :)

LC Oct. 2012
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by cloud9er »

Technically I was already flaring when I caught it for the second time but it has made the flare worse!

Edit: my gastro has said that for long covid there is no medication that can be given. I assume they mean the normal gastro drugs for the flare caused (steroids or Pentasa etc).

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Onset of tummy problems June 2014
Diagnosed with MC July 2020
Diagnosed with PCOS 2007
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by threegen »

Just a few points to note regarding my vote of 'no' to your poll about catching Covid and getting a flare, I am one year into my healing on a full elimination diet and take no medications. On day two of covid and with a terrible headache I was reluctant to take any pain killer either. Thanks for doing the poll.
Marcia K
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by Marcia K »

It did not cause a flare, although my first symptom was some abdominal pain and then I felt like I had something in my nose. I just thought I was stressed from work. From reading posts on Facebook, it seems that more people have flared from the vaccine/boosters than the virus itself. I was fine, I asked for a second test because I didn't believe that I had the virus. Ironically, I'm fairly sure I got it from my dermatologist who had his face in my face. He works in a hospital.
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by tex »

That's certainly good news that the Covid was mild, and didn't cause an MC flare. But that's a heck of a note that you may have caught it from a dermatologist. :sigh:


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Microscopic Colitis and Covid-19

Post by Marcia K »

Hi, Tex. Yes, how ironic! It took so long to get an appointment and then it was December until I was seen & I had the virus for Christmas. I didn't kiss Santa underneath the mistletoe that year!
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style. - M. Angelou
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