Mast Cells And Microscopic Colitis

Information and discussions can be posted here about mast cells, inappropriate mast cell degranulation, and how they affect people who have microscopic colitis.

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Post by tex »

Yes, in my opinion if antihistamines help then that's pretty strong evidence of MCAD or some other mast cell issue.

It might be necessary to continue to take an antihistamine for a month or so, but the first line of treatment should be to reduce the amount of high-histamine foods in the diet. That can be done in 2 different ways

1. simply don't eat high-histamine foods, or at least minimize the amount.

2. treat high-histamine foods differently in order to prevent them from from becoming high-histamine foods. Some foods are always high-histamine (fermented, dried, or smoked foods for example), but some foods are not high-histamine when purchased — they develop high-histamine levels by improper handling (chicken, fish, bananas and other fruit, for example).


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Gabes-Apg »

Further to Tex's suggestions above, the other two key things to resolving histamine/mast cell issues

- magnesium (there are published studies supporting this)
- resolving B6 imbalances - ideally via active form of P5P

magnesium and right levels of B6 allow the body to 'manage' histamine levels. ie treats the root cause of the issue.
long term our bodies need small amounts of histamine. so long term use of antihistamines that totally block histamine is not ideal.
Gabes Ryan

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Post by humbird753 »

Thank you very much Tex and Gabes for clarifying this more for me. It makes more sense to treat mast cell issues by reducing the intake of high histamine foods. I continue to be amazed how important magnesium is!

When I started "trying" to understand mast cell issues, I only got to the point of trying H1 antihistamines for a few weeks to see if I would notice improvements on my D. In my case no improvements were seen, so I discontinued taking them. After that I didn't read much further on the topic as I believed I did not have mast cell issues to the extent that it required attention. I then focused my research on other areas I had to work on.

Again, thank you both for your help.

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Re: Mast Cells And Microscopic Colitis

Post by camomof5 »

Hi, :wave: I developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) post Covid. Initially it presented as a histamine intolerance (HI). Over the past 3 years I have done alot of work to detoxify my liver via diet and supplements, and have seen a dramatic improvement in my HI symptoms. I think of this as "hacking" my HI.

Unfortunately after a period of extreme stress earlier this year I developed what has been now diagnosed as Lymphocytic Colitis (LC). After googling awhile and coming across your website I am wondering if my MCAS is an underlying cause of the LC. And if so, is there a similar treatment methodology I can apply to help reduce the symptoms.

I see the stage 1 diet and supplementation with D3 and Magnesium. Does anyone have any suggestions for similar strategies as my focus on the liver to help with histamine intolerance related to the lymphocytic colitis? Do any of you have wisdom as to what is the root cause of lymphocytic colitis?
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Re: Mast Cells And Microscopic Colitis

Post by tex »

Hi, and welcome to the group. The MCAS probably didn't help any, but the primary cause of lymphocytic colitis is chronic inflammation, and stress is a major cause of chronic inflammation.

Most of the information that you need can be found in the discussions posted here over the years. To cut to the chase, below are a couple of links to past copies of newsletters issued by the Microscopic Colitis Foundation that you might find helpful:

https://www.microscopiccolitisfoundatio ... 479987.pdf

https://www.microscopiccolitisfoundatio ... 1692bc.pdf

Again, welcome aboard, and please feel free to ask anything.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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