Reintroduction Protocol?

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Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by sheilarw »

After following an elimination diet and majority if not all symptoms are gone, is there a specific protocol/procedure to follow when reintroducing a food? I read a very detailed process for the Paleo AIP model. Can anyone direct me on how to introduce foods for MC?
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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by tex »

You should be able to find that in the stage 2 recommendations, but basically, if you're actually in remission (no diarrhea), new foods should be introduced one at a time, by eating increasing amounts each day, for three days. If you experience any reactions, stop eating that food immediately. If you don't experience any reactions after three days, then it's probably safe to add that food into your diet.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by Gabes-Apg »

the stage 2 eating was on the same page

my explanation of how is similar to when you are introducing a toddler to solid foods
small amount (no more than 1/2 cup) one day.
you may have mild reactions to a new ingredient

next day have another small serve (do not get ambitious if you had no reaction stick to small serve)
day three another small serve - if there is no reaction it is a keeper

wait a few days and then try another ingredient in same method

only make one change at at a time
only try new ingredient if gut is reasonable stable minimal symptoms so you can gauge if there is a reaction
if you do react poorly. take extra Vit D3 for a couple of days let gut settle before you embrace another trial
Gabes Ryan

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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by sheilarw »

Hi Gabes -

I'm thinking of trying egg yolk as my first food to re-introduce tomorrow......would you begin with one yolk day one, 2 yolks on day 2 and 3 yolks on day 3 (as long as no symptoms arise)?

Also does it matter what time of day you introduce it - or if it needs to be with a meal or on an empty stomach?

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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by Gabes-Apg »

Time of day can be fairly individual

I would suggest mid morning / lunch.
for me and my body clock, I know by 9am if it is a good day gut wise,
it would also be handy to monitor if there are any symptoms in the first 8 hours
(ie heartburn, gas, gurgling)

If it was me, and given the amount of people that do react to eggs, I wouldn't do any more than 2 egg yolks on 3rd day.
Gabes Ryan

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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by PattyD »

This is where I have always messed up. I rush it. And then end up wondering what set me off. Any tricks for not failing? lol
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Re: Reintroduction Protocol?

Post by Gabes-Apg »

portion size
one ingredient at a time.
Gabes Ryan

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