Ground Turkey, Free of Additives

These products are claimed to be safe. However, always check the labels, because manufacturers and processors sometimes change ingredients without notice.

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Ground Turkey, Free of Additives

Post by tex »

This list should be correct as of the posted date. But always check the labels, to be sure.

1. Plainville Farms
2. Shady Brook Farms
3. Applegate Farms
4. Perdue Harvestland
5. Jennie-O
6. Butterball Natural Inspirations
7. Honeysuckle White
8. Nature's Promise
9. Bell & Evans
10. Smart Chicken


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Ground Turkey, Free of Additives

Post by Marcia K »

Thanks, Tex! I've been making meatballs lately with ground turkey & ground chicken. Your list is very helpful!
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