Fell off the wagon again...

If you've slipped on your diet, or you forgot to take your meds, or whatever, and you would like to just "get it off your chest" and move on, this is the place for it. We all stumble once in a while.

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Fell off the wagon again...

Post by zsue »

I was first diagnosed in 2016. My GI doc was a jerk with accusations of eating disorders, and of course the default IBS. Fortunately after a visit to ER with severe stomach pains and 15lbs lost in a couple of months, the ER doctor there suggested a biopsy. After the colonoscopy the GI was like, told you. Nothing wrong....a week later came the apologies and the Pepto Bismol recommendation.

Seven years later, relatively symptom free with the few issues here and there that a couple of days of Pepto took care of, I find myself relapsed. It likely has to do with four courses of antibiotics in the last three months, two of which were "prevention prescriptions". The last course I couldn't finish due to severe stomach issues so they prescribed a five day lesser evil type.
Most recently I'm finding myself riding the porcelain pony every few days. :toilet: Yup, I fell off the wagon.

My adult daughter recommended that I treat this as recovery (like addict would). I'm back on the Pepto and eating GF blah food. I know it will work since I've been there before. It's not quite as hopeless as back in 2016 when I felt like I was dying.
So there it is. My confession.
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Re: Fell off the wagon again...

Post by tex »


Welcome to the group. I hope your journey back to health goes smoothly.

Again, welcome aboard.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Erica P-G
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Re: Fell off the wagon again...

Post by Erica P-G »

Been there recently...done that as well....your daughter is a smart cookie ;-)
Had to revert back to plain bland things again and take a histamine to get things in some what control....and by no means great yet!

I was doing so well to!

Hang in there and stay the course as I will too :mallet:
To Succeed you have to Believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a Reality - Anita Roddick
Dx LC April 2012 had symptoms since Aug 2007
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