Encouragement needed

These guidelines provide experience-proven information that should bring recovery and healing in the shortest amount of time for most MC patients.

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Encouragement needed

Post by Hewitt »

I was diagnosed with MC in January 2022. I tackled my symptoms ( extreme diarrhea, incontinence) by being very cautious about what I ate (gluten free, yams, potatoes, rice, bone broth...). When my symptoms subsided I basically ate almost any food. Now I am in an awful flare again and am extremely discouraged. I have been trying the same tactic as last time but it sems not to be working. I am in a pattern of having diarrhea episodes, then I don't go again for 3 days - this is my new cycle. I have been avoiding taking Budesonide due to the high relapse rate. We are supposed to go traveling in May and I can't imagine how that will be possible. Do you have any suggestions or advice??? What am I missing in my recovery process?
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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by tex »

Sorry to hear you've relapsed. Have you been faithful to the gluten-free diet since you first began using it, or did you reintroduce gluten, or relax your vigil after you reached remission? The reason I ask, is because if you reintroduced gluten into your diet, it may take at least six or eight weeks for the antigliadin antibody level to decay to a level below the threshold at which a reaction is triggered. Chronic stress can prevent us from reaching remission. Is your stress level currently any worse than it was initially when you first developed MC?


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by Hewitt »

Thank you for your reply. When I thought I was in remission, I ate almost any food including products with gluten. I am now gluten free since I have relapsed. I am guessing the best thing would be to stay gluten free from now on.
My stress is quite high because I am worrying about our upcoming vacation and if this current flare will ever subside.
I am wondering if I should take Budesonide (I filled the prescription a year ago but did not take it). I have read so many negative things about it and was hoping to attain remission without it.
What would you suggest is the quickest way to reach the point where the diarrhea is somewhat controlled?
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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by Gabes-Apg »

are you taking any VitD3 and magnesium?

as we age, our ability to heal and recover from flares can reduce.

in meantime
eat bland calming meals
make lists and plan your trip but dont overthink /stress
have plan A - that you are symptom free
have a plan B - that you have minor issues

Living with MC is being ok mentally and emotionally that things won't be 100% perfect 100% of the time.
Gabes Ryan

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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by tex »

Yes, once it develops, gluten sensitivity is permanent. if you continue to carefully avoid gluten, and any other food sensitivities you may have. and try to minimize the stress, as Gabes suggested, you should be in remission, or at least the early stages of remission, before your planned trip. If worse comes to worse, and you aren't significantly better by a week before the trip, you can always start the budesonide treatment then, and if you respond to budesonide, it should relieve your symptoms during the trip.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by Hewitt »

Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate this site so much. I am still wondering what is causing the cycle of diarrhea that I am having. I will have 3 days of no bowel movement followed by 1 day of having to go 20 times until there is nothing left.
I am hoping to be very vigilant about my diet. We have so many events to attend and I am mourning the loss of gluten. But I will do anything to become healthy and stop the dreaded diarrhea.
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Re: Encouragement needed

Post by Hewitt »

I just read Gabes reply. I somehow missed it. I am not taking magnesium but will start. I appreciate your advice about the upcoming vacation. I have always been quite healthy so this diagnosis has put me in a bit of depression. It's hard to adapt to a different way of eating and food is such a big part of living.
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