Trouble finding a doc in New Jersey

The Doctors listed here have proven themselves to be knowledgeable about MC, and/or members have found them to be very helpful in treating the disease and related issues. A listing here does not necessarily constitute an endorsement or recommendation - rather it indicates one or more personal experiences by a member of this board that was very beneficial for the patient.

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Trouble finding a doc in New Jersey

Post by Coop7565 »

I was diagnosed with collagenous collitis a couple of years ago and my symptoms have been recurring since February 2024. I am trying to find a doctor in New Jersey who has knowledge about this condition and have been unsuccessful. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank You!
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Re: Trouble finding a doc in New Jersey

Post by Gabes-Apg »

Have you used the search function?

as many previous members have either gone into remission or tend to use Facebook you may not get a reply to your post.
browsing the lists in this topic area or using the search area you might get some suggestions

Gabes Ryan

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Dalai Lama
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