Suggested Eating Plan - Stage ONE

These guidelines provide experience-proven information that should bring recovery and healing in the shortest amount of time for most MC patients.

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Re: Suggested Eating Plan - Stage ONE

Post by tex »

It takes most of us about 6 to 8 weeks to show significant improvements on the diet, because when we begin, our immune system is hyperinflamed, and it takes a long time for it to return to anywhere near normal sensitivity. And in addition to this, the intestines will only begin to heal after the inflammation is suppressed below the trigger threshold, and research shows that our intestines heal very slowly when the damage is due to inflammation.

Assess your symptom improvements on a weekly or monthly basis, not a daily basis. A lucky few can see improvements in only a few days, and those of us who have more severe damage (or long-term damage) usually take from six months to a year to see significant improvement. In other words, we are all different, due to the differences in our lifestyles, our degree of intestinal damage, our level of inflammation, and other things. And to add insult to injury, as we get older, our intestines heal much more slowly.

But patience and perseverance wins the race, so don't give up just because things may look discouraging, occasionally.We all have setbacks now and then. Remission may be right around the next corner. We know this works, because thousands of us have been able to get our lives back by doing it.

This is a tough disease to beat, especially for some of us, but if you're dedicated, you'll succeed.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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