Considering Taking Budesonide Again

Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

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Pam V
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Considering Taking Budesonide Again

Post by Pam V »

Hi All,

I was diagnosed with LC in June, 2017 and prescribed Budesonide, I also did the Enterolab testing and found out that I am allergic to gluten, dairy, soy, and egg. I took the Budesonide from June, 2017 until early 2018 starting with 3/day and slowly tapering off. I have done pretty well since then by managing my diet. From time to time over the years, I would have a flare (sometime I could figure out the trigger, other times it was a mystery) and have managed to bring things back to normal (sometimes very slowly) by eating only very basic safe foods.

Things have not been going well since early November. Some successful periods by eating basic foods which fell apart, followed by 10 day Pepto regime before Thanksgiving which was moderately okay but then fell apart after son's birthday celebration. I am dealing w/a fair amount of stress at work, stress over a condition called Livedo Reticularis (the cause is currently being assessed through blood tests), a small amount of blood in my stool last week after multiple trips to the bathroom... I saw the NP at my GI's office this week as they did not want to schedule a colonoscopy until I had been seen due to the blood in stool. I did get another Rx for Budesonide. I am currently eating only very basic food (bone broth, bananas, white rice, ground turkey, etc.) I have lost about 9 lbs and currently weight 109 lbs. (5'3" tall). Things seemed to get a little better this week on Tuesday and Wednesday (formed but very soft stool) and I ate a little more yesterday as I would love to not lose more weight. In saying that I ate a little more, it was really still a pretty small amount (one banana, two thin rice cakes with a smear of almond butter, about 1 1/2 cups of white rice w/ground turkey for lunch, and 1/4 lb. turkey burger with about 1/2 c of white rice for dinner.

I am wondering what your thoughts are on starting up on Budesonide again. I remember when I first joined the group in 2017 and was learning about Budesonide, there was advice that some people continue to take small doses of Budesonide (one capsule a day or one every other day) on an ongoing basis. I appreciate any advise you all may be able to share.

Thank you,
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Re: Considering Taking Budesonide Again

Post by tex »

I see that no one has responded to share their experience. I interpret that to mean that they are happy with their situation, so they don't bother checking in anymore. It seems that the only members who check in, are those looking for advice.

As far as I'm aware, that advice to continue taking a small maintenance dose of budesonide in order to maintain remission is still good advice in cases where remission can't be maintained without it. Stress is a huge trigger for MC flares, and it seems that the world is becoming more stressful with each passing day.

I hope it works for you.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Re: Considering Taking Budesonide Again

Post by Pam V »

Hi Tex,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Since I posted the response, after a bad start Saturday morning, I took two Imodium and ate several small meals of very safe food each day (avocado, banana, ground turkey or ground beef, white rice). Yesterday (I did not poop) and I did eat a bit more and had a small portion of rice, 1/2 hamburger patty, and a small amount of roasted butternut squash for dinner. This AM, still have not pooped and I ate the remaining 1/2 hamburger and a little rice for breakfast. I am feeling cautiously optimistic.

Xmas eve, I am hosting and planned appetizers (including GF, DF, SF, EF) which I am not planning to eat, as well as some lovely desserts from a Allergy Free Bakery near us that I adore (again, I will abstain). On Xmas Day, I am cooking a beef tenderloin for the immediate family and am currently planning to eat a small portion. I am staying away from the lovely safe desserts (I will freeze a piece to enjoy later if possible) as I think I should probably avoid the sugar. My GI's office has not gotten back to me about setting up the colonoscopy - I think it might behoove me to look for a new GI after I get past this stretch.

This board has been so helpful to me - I consulted it regularly from 7/2017 - 2/2018 when first diagnosed and am grateful that it is still a resource.

I hope that you have a wonderful Holiday season and I wish you the best in 2025! I'll keep you posted on how things go and will let you know if I need to get back on the Budesonide regimen.

Best wishes,
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Re: Considering Taking Budesonide Again

Post by tex »

Thanks for the update. Things seem to be going your way again.

And thanks for the good wishes, I hope your holidays are enjoyable, and the new year is kind to you. too.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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