my profile

This area contains descriptions and brief histories of the experiences of members after the onset of the symptoms of microscopic colitis.

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Emperor Penguin
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my profile

Post by barbaranoela »

going thru this MCC since 91 (year not age) :lol:
will make it short---
went to a GI---didnt do anything much for me---cus he didnt know what I had :mad: but I hung around cus I wasnt informed of much--only that I was always on the :toilet:---first it was IBS--then ulcerative C--then spasms---UFF!!!!
was in AZ (2001) and had a full blown *running-rapids* bout---
toilet---bed---bed ---back to toilet----
so we hopped in the car and made a mad dash home to NY---
still oooh and awws from GI and thats when I went into NYC and got into this great group of GI's and my life began anew~~~~

yup---twas MCC---and Dr. Chapman KNEW about this disease---HOORAY!!!
started me aggressively---pred. with Colazal----
i was given Asacol first but didnt have good results with that---

and had a couple of different test---all worth it---cus I started to look like a *human-being* and feeling like one---

i guess I have been very fortunate--cus I never suffered with many of the things that most of U gals have been thru---aches/pains etc~~~~

every moring----pill arrangement :lol:

ya know I did have very painful periods??? who knows,maybe this played a part in all this!!!

Luv to U all
Barbara---the typo queen

PS. forgot this----was tested many times for H-pylori and other bacteria--and the news was----NONE!!!
And my very first meds were(with the old GI) vanco&flagyl--which did lessen the *D* but didnt get to the main problem---which he didnt know about anyway----
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