Microscopic colitis demonstrates a TH1 mucosal cytokine prof

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Rockhopper Penguin
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Microscopic colitis demonstrates a TH1 mucosal cytokine prof

Post by mle_ii »


See my emphasis below in bold.
Microscopic colitis demonstrates a TH1 mucosal cytokine profile.Tagkalidis PP, Gibson P, Bhathal PS.
Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia.

Background and aims: Microscopic colitis is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology. The aim was to characterize the mucosal cytokine profile of microscopic colitis with a view to understanding its potential pathogenic mechanisms. METHODS: Mucosal biopsies taken at flexible sigmoidoscopy from 18 patients (8 lymphocytic colitis and 10 collagenous colitis) were analyzed for cytokine profile using real time RT-PCR, in comparison to those from 13 aged-matched controls with diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. Biopsies from 6 patients with histologically documented remission were available for comparative analysis. Biopsies were also taken to determine the cellular expression of cytokine and cytokine-related proteins using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Mucosal mRNA levels were 100 times greater for interferon-gamma and interleukin-15, 60 times greater for tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and 35 times greater for inducible nitric oxide synthase in microscopic colitis compared to controls. Apart from a trend for elevated levels of interleukin 10, levels of other TH2 cytokines including interleukins 2 and 4 were too low to be accurately quantified. Mucosal interferon-gamma mRNA levels correlated with the degree of diarrhoea, and returned towards normal in remission. The immunohistochemical expression of cell junction proteins, E-cadherin and ZO-1, was reduced in active disease. No differences were noted between lymphocytic and collagenous colitis for any of the above parameters. CONCLUSIONS: MC demonstrates a TH1 mucosal cytokine profile with IFN-gamma as the predominantly up-regulated cytokine, with concurrent induction of nitric oxide synthase and down-regulation of interferon-fx-related cell junction proteins. This pattern is similar to that in coeliac disease and suggests it might represent a response to a luminal antigen.
Hmmmmm... ;)
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Post by tex »

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Kinda looks like someone may be getting close to proving that MC is caused by gluten sensitivity, doesn't it, if I'm interpreting that correctly.

Very interesting. It's also interesting that they chose to compare the MC subjects with diarrhea-predominant IBS patients, rather than with a non-reacting control group. Could it be that they selected that particular type of control group because of the emerging evidence that diarrhea-predominant IBS issues can be cured by an antibiotic regimen, (in stark contrast to the fact that MC cannot)? IOW, that strikes me as kind of an unusual control group, so they had to have some reason in mind for such a unique, (peculiar), choice.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by artteacher »

How interesting! Thank you so much!

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Post by Polly »

Yes, very interesting, Mike. Thanks.

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