As she said to Lynn---*mom--U R not listening to me---I cannot continue due to my pain*!! ---the noises that rummage thru a college dorm ---TV's blasting---radios---kids having fun -laughing times are torment to her head--

But our family has to let Kait know that she is no FAILURE--that we are more proud of her for how she got thru all these past 4 years--how she gave her *all* @ college---we will always be proud of Kait~~~~
And she is suicidal----her psychologist and Lynn know this cus Kait has told them----she cannot bear the pain any longer---BUT she is afraid to take her life cus God will condemn her to hell~~~~
We remember the glowing Kait,@ her 8th grade dance,all gussied up in her purple gown--her beautiful hair done --all her poses,as a model would do, as I snapped away---
Enjoying 3 months of being a freshman and now wanting just to be better--to feel well--to be pain free----to know what life could be like @ this wonderful age of 18---trying NOT to believe that her dreams have ended~~~
So, our hearts ache for Kait--our hearts are heavy with fear as Kait has vocalized that she wants to end her pain~~~~
A few good thoughts to reach Kait---so that she can feel there is something for her~~~
luve Barbara