Walkin' Pnemonia (and the Boogie Woogie Flu)

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Walkin' Pnemonia (and the Boogie Woogie Flu)

Post by Mars »

Hi everyone!

It's raining here and cold and has been since the weekend. I was out in the rain on Saturday (shopping) and woke up on Sunday with a sore throat. That was gone on Monday but my sinuses were stopped up and lyrengitis (sp). I've been treating all of this with Tylonal Flue and Cold medicine and TheraFlu. No good.

I called the doctor this morning because I woke up with my left lung very sore. The coughing made it worse and figured with my low immunity I better get checked. I had a 15 minute notice to come in for an appointment.

Long story short..............upper respitory infection, lyrengitis and walking pnemonia. I am on cough medicine w/codine and Azithromycin. Plenty of liquids, rest and pampering. YEA RIGHT!!!!

My boss left today for Louisiana - father passed away and tomorrow is our Thanksgiving dinner (catered) for the board and staff at the agency. The board meeting is first with a report from the accountants on the agency audit (my job). Always stressful! So, I am unable to stay home.

Hope everyone else is doing ok and staying safe in this nasty weather.

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." -- Buddha
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Post by starfire »

:grin: Oh My Gosh, Mars!! It just doesn't end................... your resistance must be at a real low.

Many :bigbighug:

:pulsinghearts: Shirley
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Post by annie oakley »

My Goodness, I sure hope you get well soon. I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad and are so sick. Take care and get some much needed rest. Love Oma
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Post by hazel »

Good Grief, Charlie Brown! Hope you get through the board affair tomorrow without too much stress. Then I think you need a day off to stay in the bed and REST! If not Friday, then Saturday for sure. :countsheep:
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Post by JJ »

Hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery...take care kiddo...JJ
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Post by tex »

Dang, Mars,

You gotta start taking better care of yourself. Life's too short to spend very much of it sick. Hopefully the meds will get you back on track pretty fast, but you may need to help them out a bit, by taking it a little easier.


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Post by harvest_table »

Oh Mars,

Your immune system is so fragile, and your sick so often. I hope you have started dosing vitamin C. It will help you recoup sooner.

You should really call in sick and rest but I know (I know) what your thinking.

Have you asked for that raise yet? Take care of yourself.

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Post by barbaranoela »

listen :music: Margie :music: time to take care of U---as we all say to each other---

Easier said than done, huh!!!

But I do hope U R feeling better----and when the weekend rolls around---just relax and snoozzzzzzzzze---I think U been blasted enuf :hug:
and WHATEVER u do--- :lol: --dont SNEEZE this way------ :wink:
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Post by artteacher »

Hi Margie,
I'm sorry. Is there anything me/we can do?
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Post by Polly »

Awwww, Mars Bar!

That sucks. I hope you're feeling better by now and that Norman hangs around during the antibiotics. At least azithro is usually only needed for 5 days. I also hope that you can rest and relax all weekend. And that you don't have to cook a big Thanksgiving dinner all by yourself.

Love and :bigbighug:

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Post by Beth »

Hey Mars - so sorry to hear that you're sick. As others have said, make sure you take care of you. Your body is the most important asset you have in this life, and we'll all sending you good wishes that it'll be back up and running very soon!

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Post by Mars »

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

I came home early today - need the rest I guess. I have slowly improved but still no energy, pale and sort of dizzy.

Polly - The antibiotics are a 5 day supply and Norman has been very attentive!

Marsha - you are such a dear to offer to help, although Arizona is a long way to ask you to come sit with me and keep me company! Tee hee!

Joanne - haven't found any vitamins that agree with me yet and don't have the energy to go to the store and buy some Vit - C. Gotta do that this weekend before I run out of energy for the day.

Thanks again everyone for the wishes - Hopefully this weekend will help get me back up to par before the holiday week.

I'll quiz everyone on their plans for the Holidays on another thread!

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." -- Buddha
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Post by Liz »

Hello Mars
So sorry you are feeling so bad. Hope things improve for you soon. Get plenty of rest over the weekend so you will be better prepared for the holiday.



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Post by jenilake »

Hi Margie,

I hope you are feeling better. I haven't been here for awhile, but I saw that you were sick. Sounds like you should be in bed for awhile. I know how it is to go to work sick, no one should have to do that.

I hope you feel better very soon!!!

Love, Kathy P

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