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The night before I will do my usual preparations - dice celery and onions for the stuffing, make sure the is thawing nicely! (One year it was still frozen solid!) The stuffing is prepared, the deserts are made and I'm up till "whenever" cleaning the kitchen and making sure I didn't forget to do or buy anything!
Both daughters and grands are coming for dinner on Thursday and I'll try to get them to peal potatoes and help with a few things. Then we Usually, I do the cooking and for the FIRST time ever - the girls did the clean up last year! I was ecstatic!
I understand there are 3, count them THREE football games on that day so..............guess where I'll be!
Hope your is WONDERFUL. For those of you traveling - be safe!
PS: BTW - HAPPY FEET the show begins today at the theator - I collect penguins and I am dying to go - guess I'll have to take the kids so I don't feel silly!
"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." -- Buddha
HeeHee - I plan to take my grandson to see Happy Feet because I want to see it to.
Day will be at my daughter's who will do the turkey, stuffing and the basics. I'll be doing pies and whatever else she decides she doesn't want to do. I'm not complaining. It's easier on me this way!!
Love, Shirley
When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber"
-- Winston Churchill
Well, we are doing our usual 2.5 hour trek up to the wine country
We are staying the night at a pretty nice hotel (we usually stay at a very basic motel, but last year Elyse's eyes swelled up, necessitating a quick Dr. visit and a late night convenience store search for Benadryl - it appeared to be an environmental allergic reaction of some sort...) We will gather @ my aunt's where there are usually 30-40 people and have a traditional dinner. I am bringing my usual GF pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. I'll also probably bring some sort of appetizer that *I* can eat!
We eat, visit, eat some more, then come back for breakfast and leftovers on Friday...barring any medical emergencies we might hang out longer on Friday - a lot of times the kids go on a hike or to a movie or something - *finally* this year mine are *all* old enough to participate in something like that!
Lots of cute holiday movies out this year - we all went to see "Flushed Away" last weekend - it was the first movie we've all seen in the theater - now that Elyse is old enough to sit through...
Her royal highness turns *4* the Monday after Thanksgiving, and wants *everything* she sees on TV! In reality we are giving her my childhood dollhouse w/ some upgraded furnishings and new people....and a few other small things...
I'm going to visit a friend in NYC! I can't wait. My husband is one of those incredibly generous types that doesn't get jealous when I visit my girlfriends. Since my friend and I are both on writing deadlines, we'll be writing during the day and then out on the town at night! Watch out New York City!
I am off wed, then off We will be going to SIL for all of our Kids are all out of State. Her's are iffy if they show at all. Her son may, he's getting divorced. Hope everyone has a
Love Oma
May I be more compassionate and loving than yeterday*and be able to spot the idiots in advance
I have had my days in the kitchen. Everyone used to gather at our house but for the past three years our son- in- law has done the honors. He is a really good cook, too. Good thing...our daughter is a wonderful nurse and a wonderful person but a lousy cook. Love, Carol
We are going to prepare a tradtional thanksgiving turkey dinner this year- expect friends to drop by throughout the day.
Ice skating, a bonfire on the lake & enjoying the company of our neighboors is also on the menu. Skating should be good, it's been very cold with not much snow so the ice is smooth as glass. Just hope it warms up a little.
I'm feeling very thankful for my family, friends (you all) and health. Hope you all enjoy whatever you find yourselves up to! I'll be thinking about you.
Sorry I haven't been around much lately - I have been running at warp speed it seems. Family, work, classes and field trips, community involvement - you all know the routine!
We're doing the usual this year - visiting my MIL at the beach. We go out to eat so no one has to do any extra work. Plus my hubby doesn't trust his mom's cooking any more. Mainly because she has a very old (30 yrs. plus) refrig. (of questionable temperature consistency) stuffed with all kinds of old food, and he is afraid of food poisoning. LOL!
But maybe that isn't so funny. Did I ever tell you that my MC started in earnest while we were visiting MIL and eating food that she was preparing? I have always wondered in the back of my mind if there was any relationship. My hubby is convinced there is. HAHAHAHA. I'll never know......................
A very happy Thanksgiving to all of my wonderful friends here! Be safe and don't eat too much........or the wrong food (sigh).
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
I am having diiner here at my house....should be 8 or 9 people here. My neighbors are coming...in fact my 19 1/2 lb turrkey is thawing in their basement fridge. They are bringing salad and veggie dishes, and my niece and I are making the turkey, mashed taters, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rot kraut and pies. I will also have 3 International kids here...(my 2 and one of their friends). Should be a hoot!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, in advance.
I'm cooking my own traditional meal and then taking it to my neice's. Last year I made pies at my sister's the night before and by 2pm the next afternoon (Thanksgiving) I was sick as a dog and couldn't go anywhere! So this year I'm staying away from everyone else's food! Hope everyone has a healthy and safe holiday.
I do hope I get a chance to post again before Thanksgiving, but if not consider me here in spirit.
This is the first year in many that I have not had to work on Black Friday, so we are headed to Springfield, Virginia to visit our best friends and enjoy the weekend with them. Tofu turkey is the meal since they are vegetarians of a sort and we are vegans. I am not partaking in the soy bird but will enjoy all the veggies. The balance of Friday and Saturday will be spent shopping - especially Neiman's - and running around. Dinner out most night and sitting on their lovely deck having wine, cigars and the warmth of the chiminea.
So, so looking forward to getting away.
Love, Maggie
Maggie Scarpone
Resident Birder - I live to bird and enjoy life!