... pe=ArticleMore recent reports have questioned this dichotomy [3]. Several patients have been observed to convert from one form of colitis to another [4, 5, 6, 7], and larger case series have failed to confirm differences in gender distribution [2, 8], age at presentation [2, 9, 10*], or prognosis [11]. Furthermore, long-term follow-up studies suggest that about 50% of patients initially diagnosed to have CC subsequently convert to LC [11], a finding that may in part reflect the patchy distribution of the thickened collagen band [12, 13, 14]. Indeed, close scrutiny of biopsy specimens suggests that the morphology of the microscopic colitides lies along a continuous spectrum and that there is substantial overlap between the CC and LC [15, 16*].
I've been unable to access an article I'd like to read -#17 If anyone can come up with the full text and post it here many thanks. It's by Widgren, CC with a protracted course and fatel evolution: report of a case.