Stress, Gluten, and God Knows What Else

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Stress, Gluten, and God Knows What Else

Post by kate_ce1995 »

Well, I've been struggling lately. I've mentioned that before. Well yesterday I was fine until about 4pm when those icky feelings/rumbly stomach took over. I ended up cancelling my chiropractor appointment and then trying to take off from work a few minutes early. By the time I left I was dry heaving. I made it home, and within a minute or two threw up the little bit of food in my stomach (I'd had half a Koala Crisp bar at 4:15 thinking the rumbles were hunger). I did manage to eat a little rice last night, and I ate the rest for breakfast this morning and so far so good.

I think it;s stress related but also food. I know I had gluten on Saturday night. I've been so good about not eating known gluten (I'm sure there has been some hidden). But like many of you, I cooked most of my own food last week and I felt reasonably well.

But the indigestion is really getting me. Geoff and I had a long talk last night about when something is wrong, and when I just expect something to be wrong. How do I know? He is probably right, that I expect something to crop up. I'm starting to think some of this is anxiety related, but I'd like to get it under control without meds if possible. Of course I could go back to that route if I can't function or don't get myself better.

I don't know what to do. I'm rambling. My boss is supportive and says if I need to work half days or something for a few weeks to get back on my feel that's fine. I hate not being 100% and having to admit I'm not at 100%.

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Post by tex »

Hi Katy,

That's a tough situation, and I don't think there is an easy answer. There's a very real possibility that the nausea could be linked to anxiety: ... nxiety.htm

I certainly don't relish being in the position of recommending meds, but if you aren't able to resolve these issues, you may need to consider that option.

If I recall correctly, you're not on an HRT program. If you are, it might need fine tuning. If you're not, I'm wondering if it might possibly help with those symptoms. That's not a recommendation - I'm just thinking out loud, here.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by JJ »

Katy...I am so sorry to hear you are having problems. On the bright side....thank goodness your boss is supportive...that is a blessing. I hope things get better for you soon...take care kiddo...JJ
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Post by MaggieRedwings »


Sorry to hear things are going so bad but I do have to say that a boss who is cooperative is a real blessing. I have not been that fortunate but do take him up on his offer if need be.

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Post by m »

I'm sorry you're not feeling 100%. I can relate. I find that I need to trust my instincts and take "mental health" days periodically when I'm stressed or I get sick.
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