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Wow...the phone rang before 7AM and it was my niece calling to tell me it was snowing in Seattle...I looked out my window and the lawn, bushes, cars were covered here too. Very cool! It started to rain, but is supposed to snow again tonight. I was happy that my girl from Hong Kong got to see snow before she leaves. I was prepared to drive her to the mountains to see snow, but as you may have heard, our mountains are getting hammered with snow storms. This is soooo early. El Nino was supposed to give us a warm, dry winter. not so far! Tonight, I am driving to Seattle and taking my niece to see White Christmas, the musical at the 5th Ave theater. We both love the movie and are excited to see the stage version. It may be snowing when we exit the theater.
"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" Sounds lovely Jill.
Our weather down here has been crazy. They had snow down in Victoria last week & then a heat wave a few days later. At that rate maybe we will see snow for Christmas here in sunny Queensland instead of about 36 degrees C. I think that is about 97 F. Wouldn't that be nice.
Love Liz
A smile is a light in the window of your face that shows that your heart is at home
I don't believe I've ever "met" anyone who is so into snow! I wish I could get as excited about it since it's here 6 months of the year. We had snow in early October and then none for a while now.
Looks like your weather up there is as crazy as it is here Peg. Would not be surprised what happens. Some parts here have been getting some bottler storms & I reckon we will get a whole lot more. What we need is a bit of rain. It is so dry & we are now on level four restrictions. The garden is looking a bit worse for wear but there is not much you can do about it.
Keep warm & don't go tripping over any icicles or getting a frostbitten bottom on that seat.
A smile is a light in the window of your face that shows that your heart is at home
Hi...it is snowing again....much more than before...I think Peg's BC storm headed south. Traffic is a mess...my friend called from a bus near Seattle...the bus was sliding all over...I heard on the news some people are leaving their cars on the road. I hope to have a snow day tomorrow...or at least a late start....I would love a day on the couch with my book...fire in the fireplace...kitty on my lap...snow outside...ahhhh...JJ
Update...Just heard that Seattle and Tacoma schools are closed tomorrow. What a luxury to know before I go to bed...now I don't need to set the alarm. It's still snowing a bit and is supposed to get down to 22 tonight. This is really bizarre weather for Tacoma. We rarely get snow in Nov...Come to think of it, we don't usually get much in the winter either.
Nite nite...JJ
Hi Polly...I'm already enjoying my day off. Tacoma Comm College is closed too..maybe I'll bake cookies with my International kids. It is cold!...more snow coming on Thursday....major traffic problems everywhere! The kitty and I are happy to be cozy!
The musical was great fun... I'm now full of the holiday spirit!!
I'm jealous! We are just getting a nice gray drizzle of rain again. I'm sick of rain. I want snow. Its been warm for November here. Hopefully the weather will shift before Christmas so we can have a white one and I can use the snow shoes I bought almost 2 years ago. Last year we only went out once, partly because of my surgery, and partly because of lack of snow.