Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 6 (June 1998), pp. 1341± 1346
Collagenous Colitis and Yersinia enterocolitica Infection
Duodenal villous atrophy was found in four patients
with collagenous colitis, and in two it was resistant
to a glute n-fre e die t. Duodenal villous atrophy is
a relative ly common finding in patients with collage -
nous colitis (27± 30) , affecting up to 40% of case s (28) ,
but it usually responds to a glute n-free die t (28, 29) .In some cases die tary restrictions have also been
found to result in normalization of the colonic histology
(28) . Thus it would seem that collagenous colitis
is in many cases either a manife station of glute n
sensitivity or is associated with refractory sprue . The
diffe rential diagnosis of collage nous colitis clearly involve
s a need to rule out celiac dise ase .