Still taking care of my mother with my sister, so haven't been able to play on the webtv in a long time. I think the overall trend is still down although she has had lots of good days since leaving the hospital the last time. I don't think she's in any pain, however, so that is a blessing.
I suddenly remembered yesterday that I had this lesion on my upper right thigh that I'd been meaning to get checked out, but kept forgetting. It is the lowest level of skin cancer, I'm almost certain, but it made me think to ask the group how many of you had already had some form of skin cancer.
I'm thinking that most of us who've had them are in the later decades of life, particularly those of us with fair skin and recessive eye color.
I'm hoping that the dermatologist won't worry about cosmetics, and that s/he'll just cut widely enough around the borders that there'll be no chance of not getting it all. The site would barely show if I were to wear a swim suit, but then, at my age, I'm not all that concerned about things like that anymore.
OK, how many of you MC'rs have had any skin cancers? Please list the exact type/s you've had, and if possible, the age you were as far as you remember at their appearance.
I've always heard that these are autoimmune, but how that can be said is something I don't yet understand. I think they are really very common, particularly among people who look like me.
Yours, Luce