Unfortunately, when I was taking these photos, I held the camera too close to the smaller logo, so it's out of focus, but you should be able to get the general idea of what it looks like, anyway. The screen printing is sharp and clear, and nicely done. The perspective looks distorted in my images, but the logo imprints on the shirts have parallel sides, (just as they should be).
It took "forever" to get them printed, due to a communications glitch, so in order to try to "make up" for that, I'll give them to you. I have made a list of those of you who wanted shirts, complete with sizes, but if you want to change anything, be sure to let me know, otherwise I will ship them as per my list. I can get addresses from the "Member Contact Information" forum for those of you who are listed there. Everyone else will need to email or PM me your shipping address, if you want a shirt.
You don't owe one red cent for the shirts, but if you feel like you just absolutely have to pay something for them, how about making a small contribution to the "Flower Pot", for future flower needs. I'll even tell you what the shirts cost, so that no one will feel obligated to contribute more than a small amount. The shirts with the three-color logo cost exactly $7.22, and the shirts with the one-color logo cost $5.22. Postage should be $4.05 to most members, for priority mail.
I know that this is a bad time of year to be spending money on frivolous items such as this, what with the holidays right around the corner, so please don't make a contribution unless you are absolutely sure that you can spare it without any problems. In fact, don't send a contribution unless you just don't think that you can sleep at night unless you do. LOL. After all, the Flower Fund is doing OK, as it is. If you decide to send a Flower Pot contribution, send it directly to Peggy, since she's taking care of that fund.
Any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever, are welcome, as always.