The T Shirts Are Finally Here!

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The T Shirts Are Finally Here!

Post by tex »

Here are the two logo styles available. The larger one is about 2 1/8" high x 2 1/2" wide, and the smaller one is 1" square. They're available in S, M, L, and XL sizes, in both styles. White is the only shirt color available, at this point. These images should give you an idea of their general appearance. (The actual size that you see will depend on your monitor screen size). For reference, remember that the smaller logo is 1 inch square, (2.54 centimeters square). And yes, that's a United States quarter, (twenty-five cents), coin, for reference. A quarter measures almost an inch in diameter, (about 15/16ths of an inch, actually).



Unfortunately, when I was taking these photos, I held the camera too close to the smaller logo, so it's out of focus, but you should be able to get the general idea of what it looks like, anyway. The screen printing is sharp and clear, and nicely done. The perspective looks distorted in my images, but the logo imprints on the shirts have parallel sides, (just as they should be).

It took "forever" to get them printed, due to a communications glitch, so in order to try to "make up" for that, I'll give them to you. I have made a list of those of you who wanted shirts, complete with sizes, but if you want to change anything, be sure to let me know, otherwise I will ship them as per my list. I can get addresses from the "Member Contact Information" forum for those of you who are listed there. Everyone else will need to email or PM me your shipping address, if you want a shirt.

You don't owe one red cent for the shirts, but if you feel like you just absolutely have to pay something for them, how about making a small contribution to the "Flower Pot", for future flower needs. I'll even tell you what the shirts cost, so that no one will feel obligated to contribute more than a small amount. The shirts with the three-color logo cost exactly $7.22, and the shirts with the one-color logo cost $5.22. Postage should be $4.05 to most members, for priority mail.

I know that this is a bad time of year to be spending money on frivolous items such as this, what with the holidays right around the corner, so please don't make a contribution unless you are absolutely sure that you can spare it without any problems. In fact, don't send a contribution unless you just don't think that you can sleep at night unless you do. LOL. After all, the Flower Fund is doing OK, as it is. If you decide to send a Flower Pot contribution, send it directly to Peggy, since she's taking care of that fund.

Any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever, are welcome, as always.


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Post by barbaranoela »

U are super---a contributation to the flower pot is fine with me--

Thanks Galahad----am eagerly waiting to wear them--

luve Barb

PS. my az address is in the emergency file
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Post by harvest_table »


These shirts would be great gifts & stocking stuffers for our family and friends that suffer along with us - since Christmas is right around the corner I was wondering?

1- What is your inventory like?

2- Are you able to ship priority mail to addresses of folks all over the US within the next week? (For me it would be a total of 7 shirts to MN to 2 differant addresses and 3 to Florida to 2 addresses)

Based on the holiday mailing schedule in Alaska they are saying all packages must be mailed by this coming weekend to make it to the lower 48 by Christmas. I don't think thats the case with in the lower 48 though. Can you handle a holiday rush? Priority mail is better than ground mail.

The shirts look great and thank you for your generous offer. That's a great price for the shirts plus shipping and here's to our Flower Pot Fund!

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Post by MaggieRedwings »

Morning Tex,

Consider it a contribution to the Flower Pot Fund. Do I send a check to you or someone else? I forget - old age is setting in.

Love you and all you do. Whichever logo you send me is just fine and per my original order.

Love, Maggie
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Post by starfire »

OK Tex,
I won't fight you on it, but I certainly never intended for you to shoulder the cost of the shirts. Just shipping is going to add up quickly.

Love, Shirley
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Post by tex »


I haven't gone through them to verify, but assuming that the order was properly filled, here's what I ordered, for each logo, (IOW 50 shirts total):

XL - 4
L - 8
M - 8
S - 5

Roughly a fourth of them are committed.

Yes, barring any unforeseen disaster, I can get them all shipped within the coming week, (I'll make it a point to try to get it all done during the first part of the week, assuming that I have all the information I need).


Please send your contribution to Peggy. I'm assuming that checks from the United States will work OK in Canada. If not, surely she will advise us what to do instead.


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Post by barbaranoela »

Wayne---I cannot get the pics. of the shirts---blank spaces

anyway----I am covering all basis---cus the email here is a bit CONFUSED--not ME!!! :lol: :lol:

Logo Tees--3 colored

Large for Louie
Medium for me

is this good enuf info.??? PSS--Ground for me too

Luve Barbara

PS. and check off to Peg for the *fund*
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Post by Peggy »

Wayne, you're wonderful! But please don't go overboard with shipping costs...mine can go the cheapest route, ground. I can't remember what I told you size-wise...a medium or a large with the small logo, please.

Everyone, please don't make too large of a donation to the flower pot fund. We've got enough for another one or two deliveries right now and if enough people make a donation a small one is just fine. As Wayne put it...whatever helps you sleep at night LOL. Send me a pm if you have any questions...Carol I answered yours.

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Post by MaggieRedwings »


Mine is fine going ground too. Don't intend to wear it to the office Christmas party next Thursday :grin:

Love, Maggie
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Post by starfire »

Oh, definitely the cheapest way to send the package is what I want!!!

Love, Shirley
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Post by tex »

OK, here's some background information. Small shirts weigh 6 ounces, and XL shirts weigh 9 ounces. Obviously, the others are somewhere in between. A large tyvek envelope weighs less than an ounce, whereas a cardboard envelope weighs less than two ounces. A small cardboard box weights roughly half a pound, (more or less), depending on the actual dimensions.

Here's the problem with "cheapest way" shipping. If I only had one or two items to ship, I could probably scrounge up the necessary shipping containers - for a dozen or two, though, I will have to buy containers, (unless I use priority mail, in which case the containers are free).

Parcel post only saves a few cents over first class mail, and usually takes close to three weeks for delivery, (no telling how long it would take this time of year). I never ship anything by parcel post - it's simply too slow.

To ship by first class mail, I would have to locate some tyvek envelopes. If I use boxes, for example, the total weight will get up close to a pound, in which case it would be at, or within spittin' distance of flat rate priority mail rates, so I might as well use priority mail flat rate envelopes.

If I buy tyvek envelopes, their cost, plus postage, will be within spittin' distance of flat rate priority mail rates, so I might as well use priority mail flat rate envelopes. Not only that, but for those who want two shirts, the cost will be the same as one shirt, if I use priority mail flat rate envelopes. I might be able to save a few cents to a few addresses, by using first class mail, rather than priority mail, but having to go round up some tyvek envelopes that will work, will pretty well "eat up" any postage savings that I might otherwise make.

Ok, now you should see why I am leaning toward priority mail flat rate envelopes.


P S Priority mail flat rate envelopes cost $4.05 to mail, regardless of weight.

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Post by starfire »

Oh my gosh, Tex!! Sorry to put you through all that!!

Love, Shirley
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Post by JJ »

Hi Tex...You are very kind to do all this for are amazing. I would like an XL with the big logo please...thanks so much....JJ
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Post by tex »

Hi Jill,

I just finished packaging yours, so it's lucky that I got it right. LOL.

It will ship tomorrow.

You're welcome,

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Post by JJ »

Hahahaha...I couldn't remember if I had put in my request after I saw the logos....are you psychic...hahahaha...either way...thanks Tex.. :grin: JJ
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