And he is VERY handy----and I wouldnt be surprised if he does some repairing!!!!Matter of fact Frank just went into a business called Mr. Appliance----retired from his other job---other than that he has done some beautiful things in remodeling his house which is the same as mine--very,very handy~~~~~
But knowing Louie---he RATHER get home and do it himself??? WHY??
Frank is a doll-----and so is his wife Carmela----
We let him use our garage and driveway whenever----he is so thankful for the favor that he always wants to do things for us~~
Maybe it will be to repair the leakin toilet bowl ,in the bathroom, off our bedroom--
EGADS--and did I leave the house in a TOTAL mess too--oh well!!
Glad to hear the DIET is working for U---continued good luck with it Maggs and I do give U lottsa credit too~~~
Have a good day--
luve LadyB.