Poll About Changes, (Or Not), In Bowel Habits Due To MC

Polls relevant to Microscopic Colitis, and related issues, can be posted here, to allow for the collection of data that might help to shed some light on this disease, and it's treatment options.

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Compared with my life before my MC symptoms began, my bathroom routine is:

Pretty much the same.
Same general frequency, but stools are not like they used to be.
I have more BMs than before.
I have fewer BMs than before.
I have not achieved remission.
Total votes: 55

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Poll About Changes, (Or Not), In Bowel Habits Due To MC

Post by tex »

In an effort to gain some insight into how MC affects long term bowel habits, (after remission is achieved), I thought I'd set up this poll. Responses should be based on your routine after you achieved remission, (not during episodes of active MC reactions).



P S If you think I'm not listing the "correct" poll options, (IOW, no response fits your situation), please advise how I should change them.

It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by starfire »

Wayne, I don't know if I'm in remission or not. I rarely have actual D but stool firmness varies quite a bit and definitely happens more often than "before".

In the poll I answered that BMs were more often since that seemed to fit. If I answered incorrectly.............. perhaps you could change it if you think it should be different.

Love, Shirley
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Post by JJ »

Hi...I'm doing really well, but have been taking Entocort....JJ
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Post by tex »


That sounds like the right selection to me.


It doesn't matter how you treat the MC, it's the results that count.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Tessa »

Fewer than before was my vote.


DX Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency= Panhypopituitarism,POTS & MC. Anaphylactic reaction to foods & some drugs.
Gluten & Dairy free diet+hydrocortisone, Florinef, Sea Salt, Vit B Complex, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium...
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Post by Lucy »

Back to normal for most of the last 5 yrs with just gf, etc. diet.
I have to go a lonnnng way back to remember ever having normal stools, however! Ha! Luce
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