Safe Anti-Depressants/Anxiety Meds

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Safe Anti-Depressants/Anxiety Meds

Post by Rose »

Now that I am going off of the Citalopram for depression/anxiety I need to find something to take that is not an SSRI and gf/df & sf. Any suggestions? I need to take something. From just tapering off the Citalopram I already feel like not doing the things I normally look forward to doing and I am snapping at the kids (and dh) more often. I hate being this way. I am very type A and high strung (all great qualities for someone with cc).


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Post by Bifcus16 »

Have you tried Rescue Remedy? Bach flowers are very gentle, but they definitely contain no problem ingredients. You could also get either specific remedies or a blend made up to suit.

How does your Dr feel about St John's Wort? There are so many sources, it should be possible to find a safe one. Opinions seem divided about whether it is a true SSRI, or just has a similar effect, but at any rate it is much milder than regular prescription SSRIs. A sort of staging area for helping you adjust to being without the stronger drugs. Since you've been on the prescription drug you really need to talk to the doc before using.

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Post by Dee »

I see that you are into alot of the natural treatments.
I like to keep researched on them, but can't take some because of prescribed meds that I take.
Like to hear more from you about some of them.

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Post by Dee »

I can only relay what I take for depression and generalized anxiety disorder.
It's a low dose of Effexor XR. It is an SNRI type anti-depressant and it has done wonders for me.
I haven't had any side effects from it.
I couldn't take any of the SSRI's. Within 3 days I would have explosive D..
Any questions??? I'll try to help..

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Post by Rose »


Thank you so much, I will request this from my GP. I have never heard of SNRI before. I was originally on Zoloft and then Buspar and now the Citalopram. My mc symptoms really started to flare up when I started on the Zoloft. I actually took a full dose of my Cit today and I have been in my office quite a few times.

Lyn, I tried St. John's Wart before I started with the Zoloft b/c I wanted to do it the natural way and it just didn't do enough for me.


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Post by Bifcus16 »

Hi Rose,

I can't help with the prescription drugs, and often they are just what a person needs, but I do have a couple of further options to consider.

Have you looked at SAM-e ? I understand it uses a different pathway, but I don't have personal experience with it, although it was on my list to try next. Once again, different manufacturers mean there is hope of avoiding bad additives.

Secondly, have you considered the influence of hormones? I don't know what age you are, but I do know that as I entered my mid 40's I started to get problems with depression. Eventually I worked out that there was a monthly cycle to it, saw the doc and got off the pill and the whole world changed. Basically, as I aged my body was producing a different balance and level of hormones, and the pill emphasised the wrong ones. Removing that antagonist made an almost overnight change. At the moment I am on HRT and exploring how best to balance that and soy to impact my mood. Seriously. One soy yoghurt can tip the balance for me. If you are younger this is less likely to be an issue, but some people can be affected from the late 30's. Since you have given up soy, you may have changed the balance of things for you. No magic solution here, but maybe a clue to part of the puzzle.

Good luck.
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Post by Rose »


I have not tried Sam-e and will discuss this with my GP since I am on Humira for my arthritis. I am 47 years old and according to my Gyno I am pre-menopause. I have always had bouts of depression even before I was on the Zoloft. I know I was on medication for it, but can't remember what it was (brain fog). I get my hormones check every year b/c I have funky periods (sometimes I have them, more times not).

Thanks for the info.


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Post by JLH »

I tried to get my DD (actually NSD at the moment) off Zoloft because it is a known trigger but, of course, she pays no attention to me.

She said, " Nothing can be worse than not being able to get out of bed."

I said, "Sure there is. Not being able to get out of bed and having D."
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and don't play one on TV.

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Post by tex »

Joan wrote:I said, "Sure there is. Not being able to get out of bed and having D."
Yep, definitely much worse.!


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Rose »


There is nothing worse than driving down the road with no bathroom in site and squeezing the cheeks is not working (believe me it has happened more than once - thank God for leather interior).


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Post by Rose »


My GP put me on Effexor OR 75 mg at day and I started it yesterday. He told me that I am Bi-polar (oh the joy). I know that you said that you have not had a problem with it, but did you have any s/e when you started it?

I felt OK, a little drugged yesterday, but last night was really bizarre. I was up all night. Call were coming in 2 to 3 times an hour all night long. I haven't spendt a night like that in the bathroom since I preped for my colonoscopy. When I tried to go to sleep, I got the "Jimmy leg" and my mind was just racing. Usually when I have not had any sleep I feel really sluggish, but so far I feel very interjectic (I know it will catch up with me). I took the pill yesterday morning so I don't belive the explosive watery d had anything to do with that. I did have a tyson chicken breast for dinner last night and this am my dh informed me that a lot of companies are using soy feed for their hens. I don't know if that would affect me since I have never had a problem with Tyson chicken before. The only other thing I think would be that the Entocort is finally exiting my system, but I only took it for 6 days and have been off it for 2 weeks. I guess that is a question for Tex.

Anyway, I was just wondering how you faired at the beginning of taking the Effexor.
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Post by Jan »


You might want to give your Dr. or pharm. a call. When I was taking anti-depressants (not this one) I was always told to take them at night. It could be that an adjustment like that will help solve the problems you seem to be having.

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Post by tex »


That's a hyperactive reaction. I agree with Jan - please call your doctor.
Call your doctor at once if you have any new or worsening symptoms such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can increase some of the side effects of Effexor. It may take 4 weeks or more for your symptoms to improve. For best results, keep using the medication as directed. Do not stop using Effexor without first talking to your doctor. You may have unpleasant side effects if you stop taking this medication suddenly.

You didn't say which version of Tyson Chicken Breast you had for dinner, but some of them contain not only wheat flour, but a lot of it, which would explain the explosive "D". It would not explain the hyperactive state of mind, though - that just about had to be from the Effexor. ... uctDisplay


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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Post by Rose »

Tex and Jan,

Thank you for responding, I did call my GP and they said to try it at night (I already took it this am so I am out of luck today).


I bought the regular fresh skinless chicken breasts. I also checked my book and it has Purdue chicken as being gf/sf & df, but not Tyson. It just pays to really read everything. I feel so stupid for not checking the package.


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Post by tex »

Rose wrote:It just pays to really read everything. I feel so stupid for not checking the package.
Please don't beat yourself up - we all make that mistake once in a while. I guess that's just human nature - it's probably designed to keep us humble. :grin:

Concerning any possible soy in the chicken's ration - that shouldn't matter, since the chicken's digestive system will break down the soy peptides, (amino acid chains), into individual amino acids, before converting them into the protein which has the unique amino acid chains of chicken flesh. IOW, the segments of amino acid chains in soya protein, to which we react, will be totally disassembled, in the process, so that they will not reappear in the protein of chicken flesh.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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