Dairy (at least Lactose) is out for me.

Discussions on the details of treatment programs using either diet, medications, or a combination of the two, can take place here.

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Dairy (at least Lactose) is out for me.

Post by kate_ce1995 »

Well, I'm definately intolerant of lactose, and I'm gearing my self up to believe that its probably all dairy. Although I will do a nice aged cheddar test at some point to confirm. At least I get a few last grilled cheese sandwiches that way!

I haven't gotten back to normal yet, but the last couple days have been closer than anything else in the last 2 months.

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Post by starfire »

It is so good to hear that you are improving. I know it has been such a struggle for you. (and I'm really sorry about the dairy and I hope it is just lactose).


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Post by Gloria »

I'm glad you're figuring out the cause of your flare, but sorry that you have to give up dairy. :sad: It's always a trade-off, isn't it?

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Post by tex »


That's great news that you're finally doing much better.


It is suspected that some of the hardest material known to science can be found in the skulls of GI specialists who insist that diet has nothing to do with the treatment of microscopic colitis.
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