But there was a significantly lower incidence of all cancers among the fish-eaters and vegetarians compared with the meat eaters.
For colorectal cancer, however that trend was reversed with vegetarians having a significantly higher incidence of the condition than the other groups.
Now wait a minute here! For as long as I can remember, the medical "experts", (and I use the word loosely), have been hammering into our heads, the "fact" that red meat causes colon cancer, and this is supposedly one of the primary reasons for following a vegetarian or vegan diet. So how can vegetarians possibly have a significantly higher rate of colon cancer than red meat eaters?
I have long suspected, but now I am totally convinced, that all food-related disease research is totally worthless. Why are we wasting time and money on research and government diet recommendation campaigns, when all of it appears, in the end, to be confounded, and the data are totally worthless?
All I can do is shake my head, as researchers continue to disprove everything that other researchers have "proven" in the past. If it weren't for the fact that this implies that all research money is wasted, and countless lives are unnecessarily adversely affected, when people actually believe all this hogwash, and modify their diets, thinking that they are helping themselves, by eating a healthier diet, then this whole fiasco would be laughable. As it is, it's simply pathetic.
This begs the question, "are most/all food-related disease researchers incompetent, dishonest, or simply stupid?" Science continues to shoot itself in the foot.